Biden Goes Full Cultural Marxist With “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”
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Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden attached himself permanently to Cultural Marxism yesterday in a statement that recognized “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” and ignored Christopher Columbus, the great explorer and faithful Italian Catholic traditionally honored by Americans on October 12.

Not that Biden, who also touted his “plan” for American Indians, was alone.

Joining him were the Democrats’ top anti-American in Congress, leftist Somali Muslim Ilhan Omar, and fake Indian Elizabeth Warren, the senator from Massachusetts. Warren, of course, is also known as Fauxcahontas and Chief Slinging Bull for her now-famous if embarrassing three-decade masquerade as a “Native American.”

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Smoke Peace Pipe
Biden’s “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” statement was in some sense a wampum belt to get Indian tribes to join his war against the Great White Chief at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

“Our nation has never lived up to our full promise of equality for all — especially not when it comes to the rights of the indigenous people who were here long before ships arrived from Europe,” Biden said

Claiming that the Chinese Virus affects Indians “at an alarming and disproportionate rate,” Biden promised a bonanza of goodies that “includes putting more land into trust and protecting our natural and cultural treasures; boosting investment in schools, roads, housing, clean water, and broadband creating good-paying jobs; tackles the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women; and it increases funding for the Indian Health Service and finally makes that funding mandatory.”

That goes back to the “Biden-Harris Plan for Tribal Nations” that vows to “restore lands,” a vague promise that just might mean returning South Dakota to the Sioux or New York to the Weckquaesgeeks.

“Tribal lands” aside, the plan mostly deals with poor Indian health, the environment, and even violence against “indigenous women.” The plan does not say who perpetrates the violence.

“The United States of America was founded on the notion of equality for all. We’ve always strived to meet that ideal, but never fully lived up to it,” the plan says. “Throughout our history, this promise has been denied to Native Americans who have lived on this land since time immemorial.”

The plan repeatedly attacks President Trump by name.

Omar, Warren
While Injun’ Joe smoked the peace pipe with the “tribal nations,” Omar — a refugee lifted from African poverty with money from U.S. taxpayers — went on the warpath.

“Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a reminder of the work we must do to begin repairing the harm and trauma our country continues to cause Native and Indigenous people,” she declared on Twitter.

After offering a few anodyne prescriptions that mirror Biden’s, she unbosomed this:

Stop the glorification of a murderous slave owner and make Indigenous Peoples’ Day a federal holiday

Of course, Columbus was not a “murderous slave owner,” but such is the gratitude Americans get from the Third World refugees they unwisely permit to run for federal office. What Omar thinks of the “murderous slave owners,” human trafficking, and forced and child labor in her native Somalia, past and present, we are not given to know.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren, who passed herself off as a Cherokee for 35 years until the pressure of a presidential campaign forced her to admit her lies, added her two cents of beads and gewgaws:

It’s more important than ever to reaffirm our commitments to Native communities — fulfilling trust and treaty obligations, protecting Tribal sovereignty and self-determination, and empowering Indigenous peoples to build strong communities and bright futures. #IndigenousPeoplesDay.

Among Warren’s notable achievements before she fessed up were her contributions of “authentic” Cherokee recipes to a cookbook that assembled the culinary wisdom of the Five Civlized Tribes. It turned out that Warren raided the New York Times and Better Homes and Gardens for the recipes.

Biden, of course, has a long record speaking with a forked tongue. The former vice president has repeatedly plagiarized written material and even biographical data from others. Such is the candidate’s literary kleptomania that Internet sleuths caught him again in August.

Weeks ago, he even repeated the myth about being the first in his family to attend college, a flat-out lie that he has told since his first presidential campaign in 1987.