Biden Campaign Goofs Again. Photo Airbrushed, Biden Reads Scripted Answer to Scripted Question

Fox News blamed CNN. CNN blamed the Biden campaign. The Biden campaign has not answered a media inquiry.

It doesn’t much matter.

As Marxist revolutionaries have adopted the communist tactic of terror and set American cities aflame, Biden’s campaign has adopted another: airbrushing photos to remove “offensive” signs of the past.

The campaign, CNN says, provided it with a doctored photo of Biden and one of his sons that was missing a Washington Redskins logo on the boy’s wool cap.

Yet the Stalinist airbrushing isn’t Biden’s only resort to techno-wizardry in the last few days.

Answering questions during a virtual union event, video caught Biden reading a prepared answer on teleprompter.

Can’t Change the Past

Fox News’s Joe Wulfsohn reported the ham-handed attempt to alter history yesterday and noted that Biden “initially shared the photo in June to commemorate Father’s Day.”

Wulfsohn continued: “When CNN featured the photograph in its Monday night special ‘Fight for the White House: Joe Biden’s Long Journey,’ the Redskins logo was removed from the hat.”

CNN handed off blame to the Biden campaign, Washingtonian magazine reported.

“CNN says it did not tamper with the photograph,” the website reported:

“As with any biographical documentary, we ask the subject for photos and videos,” a CNN source tells Washingtonian via email. “We received this picture and many others from the Biden campaign, and any additional inquiries should be sent their way. Future airings will include the original photo.”

Biden’s campaign hasn’t replied to the website’s inquiry about a tactic similar to that employed by Soviet tyrant Joseph Stalin, who airbrushed at least two top top communists from photos after they were executed.

Why airbrush the Redskins’ logo? To avoid the wrath of his hysterical progressive constituency because the image is, we are told, offensive.

Reading Answers To Question

When Biden’s campaign people aren’t helping rewrite their candidate’s past support of Washington Redskins — now called the Washington Football Team — they’re using teleprompters to help him make it through live question-and-answer forums.

Appearing at a virtual AFL-CIO event on Monday, Biden clearly used a teleprompter to answer a question.

“Move it up here,” Biden sighed, obviously exhausted and looking every bit like his nickname from President Trump, “Sleepy Joe.”

And Biden pauses to read the answer as it scrolls up the device, as the Trump War Room tweeted.

“I hope the press digs into this,” tweeted Ari Fleischer, press secretary for President George W. Bush. “Did Biden really have the answer to this Q pre-loaded into his teleprompter? This is why we have the press: to dig in and get answers.”

Indeed. And if the question was pre-loaded into the teleprompter, staffers had to know what the question would be.

Plagiarism Again

The latest foul-ups are the fourth and fifth of late for Biden’s apparently incompetent staff.

In the past two weeks ago, he was caught plagiarizing twice.

Days ago, Biden ripped off a slogan from the United Nations, Build Back Better, the global agency’s plan to “rebuild” the world economy and social order along “progressive” lines. What the UN would inflict upon the planet, Biden would inflict upon his fellow Americans.

In late August, Biden purloined material from a deceased Canadian politician, Jack Layton, and not for a one-off event like the AFL-CIO confab.

He stole from Layton for his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.

“For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. And light is more powerful than dark,” burbled Biden.

Years before, Layton has offered this: “My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.”

Amusingly, getting caught red-handed there occurred after Biden’s staff purchased anti-plagiarism software, itself purchased because the campaign was caught stealing material it plugged into its education and climate-change plans.

Hat tip: Ace of Spades

Photo of Joe Biden: AP Images 

R. Cort Kirkwood is a longtime contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.