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“I truly hate these people,” said FBI attorney Lisa Page to her reported extra-marital lover, Peter Strzok, in reference to pro-life marchers during the March for Life rally on January 22, 2016. Page and Strzok are at the center of allegations of anti-Trump bias inside the FBI.

Senators investigating the behavior of FBI employees have discovered at least 50,000 text messages shared by Strzok and Page. Last week, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the chief oversight committee of Congress, released thousands of text messages involving the tepid “investigation” of Hillary Clinton’s misuse of government e-mails. With so many e-mails to sort through, it is expected that revelations like the intense hatred of the two against those who are standing up for the lives of the unborn will only increase.

A transcript of the texting conversation between Page and Strzok in hostile reaction to the March for Life in 2016 reveals the depth of their disdain for the pro-life movement.

FBI agent Strzok texted to Page, “F****ing marchers making traffic problems,” to which Page, a lawyer for the Bureau answered, “Yeah, some extremely offensive video screens set up in front of the district. I truly hate these people. No support for the woman who actually has to spend the rest of her life rearing this child, but we care about ‘life.’ A**holes.”

As is so typical with a liberal, Page assumes it is someone else’s responsibility to rear a child. Her solution is abortion. The “extremely offensive video screens” to which Page was referring, in what she thought was a private message, were simply photographs of aborted babies. This is very revealing: What Page found so “offensive” was the fact that photographs of mutilated infants were shown, not the cruelty that had been meted out to the unborn children in the first place.

Strzok texted back, “And literally I’m the last car thru 4 lights as they shut down Pennsylvania Ave. Hey, I have an idea! Snow emergency, cancel the permit.”

While Strzok had no legal authority to cancel the permit of the March for Life, this does, however, reveal his authoritarian mindset, in which he not only has contempt for the right to life of the unborn child, but he has also has contempt for the freedom of assembly, specifically protected by the First Amendment.

“It’s not surprising that these people would hate pro-lifers so much that they would want to abuse their authority to cancel the March for Life,” Operation Rescue President Tony Newman told LifeSiteNews. “Given their extreme political bias against those who hold pro-life views, one can only expect them to stoop to criminal conduct.” Newman added that the FBI is tainted as not only anti-Trump, but also biased against the right-to-life movement. “That is the same company [the FBI] that worked with Planned Parenthood to produce a phony report discrediting the undercover baby parts video.”

Page and Strzok have been in the center of the news stories involving the anti-Trump political bias at the FBI. The two were important players in the decision to not prosecute Hillary Clinton for her role in keeping a private e-mail server for sensitive government documents. During her 2016 presidential campaign, Clinton took a strong pro-abortion position, indicating that she did not favor any restrictions whatsoever on the grisly practice.

It has been reported that the two have carried on a two-year adulterous affair, despite being married — at least for now — Strzok to Melissa Hodman and Page to Peter Burrow.

Texts between the two have revealed a strong political bias, not only against right-to-lifers, but also other conservative values and President Trump. At one time, Strzok was the lead investigator under Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and it was Strzok who persuaded former FBI Director James Comey to soften the seriousness in the language of the FBI’s description of Clinton’s mishandling of government documents in the e-mail scandal. Page had also been involved in Mueller’s investigations of allegations that Trump and the Russians “colluded” to influence the 2016 presidential election in Trump’s favor.

While Page and Strzok could be expected to dislike Trump, his pro-life stance during the campaign has no doubt intensified that dislike. During the campaign, Trump promised to nominate pro-life justices to the U.S. Supreme Court; sign into law the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would end painful late-term abortions nationwide; defund Planned Parenthood as long as the organization continues to perform abortions and then reallocate that funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive healthcare for women; and make the Hyde Amendment permanent law to protect taxpayers from having to pay for abortions.

In recent years, the Democratic Party has become so strongly in favor of legalized abortion that some Democrats now say no candidate should ever be supported by the party unless they take a totally pro-choice stance on the issue.

It is expected that, as more texts between Strzok and Page are made public, we will find out even more about their extremist views.

Photo from 2016 March for Life: AP Images