Report: Border Agents Nab Terror Suspects at Border
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Border agents have collared four people on the FBI’s terror watchlist at the southern frontier with Mexico since October 1.

The news, which Axios reported on Tuesday, means the border crisis — which President Biden caused with promises of open borders and amnesty — has implications beyond a financial burden for taxpayers when the invading illegal aliens join the welfare rolls, enter public schools, and get free medical care.

It means the crisis and attendant chaos is more than just a possible medical emergency caused by illegals with the coronavirus released to hop buses and go who-knows-where.

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It means that among the nearly 400,000 illegals that have crossed since October — more than 100,000 in February alone — are very likely terrorists who will also apply for asylum and then, thanks to Biden, be released to disappear into the heartland.

It means a “migrant” who blended in with the relentless marching horde of Latin Americans might, if not caught, bomb a school, post office, or police station in your hometown.

Yemen and Serbia

The news from Customs and Border Protection went to Congress on Tuesday, Axios reported. Yet a search of the website of CBP and Immigration and Customs Enforcement did not reveal a news release.

A congressional aide told Axios that “four people arrested at the southern border since Oct. 1 match names on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database.”

As well, the website reported:

Three of the people arrested were from Yemen and one was from Serbia. The four arrests are more than the number of similar people taken into custody during recent full fiscal years, according to the source. In fiscal 2018, six people from Yemen and Bangladesh were arrested.…

Republican House members who visited the border on Monday said an unspecified number of migrants crossing the border had names matching those on the terror watchlist.

Axios reported that “the watchlist is long, and it includes people who are ‘known to be or reasonably suspected of being involved in terrorist activities,’ according to the FBI.”

In fiscal 2017, more than 3,700 watchlist suspects were stopped, most at airports.

And that fact says nothing about the illegals as a group, any one of whom could be a terrorist bomber or simple run-of-the-mill murderer or rapist, who slip by overworked border agents, or the terrorists who slip through because they are not on the watchlist.

How Many Got Through?

That question about how many illegal immigrants made it through is important given Biden’s reversal of President Trump’s sound border policies, and Biden’s promises of amnesty and open borders for every Tomás, Chico, and Enriquito with a sob story.

As The New American reported last week, in the first five months of fiscal 2021, border agents have apprehended 396,598 illegals, 86.7 percent of the total for all of last year.

Some are crossing the border in large groups. From March 8 through 12, CBP stopped multiple groups of more than 100 near border towns:

  • March 12: Agents bagged more than 137 illegals in one group just south of Roma, Texas.
  • March 10: They caught 109 south of La Joya.
  • March 9: Agents caught 100 south of La Grulla, including nine Romanians and two Cubans.
  • March 8-9: Agents caught 111 illegals north of Laredo. They were packed into commercial trailers.

On February 1, agents caught 11 Iranian illegals.

CBP has also dealt with Chinese, African, and Pakistani illegals.

Last week, Biden’s “border czar,” National Security Council official Roberta Jacobsen, inadvertently blamed Biden for the illegal-alien surge that is carrying in terrorists and suspects on the watchlist. “Surges tend to respond to hope, and there was a significant hope for a more humane policy after four years of, you know pent up demand,” she said:

So I don’t know whether I would call that a coincidence, but I certainly think the idea that a more humane policy would be in place may have driven people to make that decision.

H/T: National Pulse