Ex-DOJ Official: Obama Using Amnesty to Win Elections for Democrats

It’s not enough that American academia has been indoctrinating native-born youth with leftism, reinforced by the media and entertainment. Nor is it sufficient that our immigration regime has, since 1965, ensured that 85 percent of our immigrants would come from the Third World and Asia, bringing us people who vote overwhelmingly Democrat upon being naturalized. Barack Obama promised “fundamental change.”

And fundamental change he will deliver — fast — by hook or by crook.

So says J. Christian Adams, a former Department of Justice attorney and whistleblower, claiming that the effort to fast-track illegal aliens to voter status is already underway. As Adams reported at PJ Media:

President Obama’s amnesty by edict has always been about adding new Democrats to the voter rolls, and recent action by the Department of Homeland Security provides further proof. Sources at the Department of Homeland Security report to PJ Media that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is reallocating significant resources away from a computer system — the “Electronic Immigration System” — to sending letters to all 9,000,000 green card holders urging them to naturalize prior to the 2016 election.

This effort is part of the DHS “Task Force on New Americans.”

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Adams also writes that “PJ Media has obtained an internal ‘Dear Colleague’ letter written by Leon Rodriguez, the ‘director and co-chair of the Task Force on New Americans,’” that refers to a White House report called “‘Strengthening Communities by Welcoming All Residents’” and states, “This report outlines an immigrant integration plan that will … ensure that the people who live in this country can fully participate in their communities.”

Adams, who worked voting-rights cases while at the DOJ, then points out that “‘full participation’ is a term commonly used to include voting rights.” He then says that in order to achieve this “participation,” the DHS — which ostensibly was created to increase our country’s security — has been mounting a full-court press to grant citizenship to as many aliens as possible before next November’s election. As Adams puts it, “Multiple sources at DHS confirm that political appointees are prioritizing naturalization ahead of the 2016 presidential election.”

Adams also reports that groups such as La Raza (Spanish for “The Race”) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association have been helping forge Obama administration immigration policy. Moreover, he relates that an anonymous DHS official told him that DHS “intends to ‘recapture’ ‘unused’ visas from years past to grant more visas and LPR [green card] status.” In other words, if you’re a warm body (and sometimes cold will do) with socialist leanings, Uncle Sam wants you.

And now that this demographic-warfare tactic has brought America to a tipping point, leftists are becoming more forthcoming about their aims and rightists are finally waking up. As the Daily Caller put it in a February title, Obama is “‘Hopeful’ Immigration Will Drown Conservatism”; and WND.com recently reported, “Expected surge of immigrants to push U.S. to ‘European model of state control.’” Yet the writing has long been on the wall; in fact, I’ve been warning of the true aim and effect of our immigration regime for as long as I’ve been in journalism (almost a decade and a half). Even more to the point, I predicted Obama’s amnesty tactic in 2008, writing:

The coup de grace Obama will use against rightist opposition is mostly embodied in one word: amnesty. This, along with some other measures, will both grow the Hispanic voting block and ingratiate Obama to it. This will enable him to create a powerful coalition of blacks, young voters and Hispanics that, along with the older whites he will be able to retain, will constitute an insurmountable electoral force. And this is why amnesty has long been a dream of the Democrats. Even easier than brainwashing new voters (which the media and academia specialize in) is importing them.

As for current developments, it’s interesting but not surprising that the “Task Force on New Americans” is central to the socialist amnesty scheme. Just consider the following, as I reported in early March:

Obama’s amnesty plan is to use illegal aliens as “seedlings,” said the federal officials. They will “navigate, not assimilate,” as they “take over the host,” create a “country within a country” and start “pushing the citizens into the shadows.”

… The above was alleged by WCBM radio co-host Sue Payne in an interview with talk giant Mark Levin Thursday [2/26]…. Payne says that while at an immigration rally, she became privy to three conference calls in which 16 Obama administration officials — including Cecilia Muñoz, director of Obama’s White House Domestic Policy Council — discussed plans for what could only be called the final destruction of traditional America and the cementing of leftist hegemony. Muñoz, by the way, is perfectly suited to this task; she was once a senior vice president for the anti-American Hispanic lobbying organization the National Council of La Raza.

… Payne opened the interview by explaining that what Obama actually did on November 21 — the day he signed his supposed executive amnesty — was create the “Task Force on New Americans” (TFNA) for the purposes of implementing his legalization scheme. And it won’t be applied to just 5 million illegals, but “13 to 15 million to give protection [to] and move … on to citizenship,” reports Payne.

Payne then said that the illegals, labeled “seedlings,” would eventually “take over the host.” She continued, “And the immigrants will come out of the shadows, and what I got from the meetings was that they would be pushing the citizens into the shadows. They would be taking over the country; in fact, one of the members of the task force actually said that we would be developing a country within a country.

This explains why the Obama administration has been feverishly shipping illegal migrants to various communities nationwide. Note that this isn’t unprecedented, as Marxist governments did precisely the same thing, transferring populations and intermixing religious and ethnic groups. It’s the divide-and-conquer strategy: Sufficiently break down an area’s cohesiveness — create division with “diversity” — and it’s unlikely it will be able to successfully rebel against the central government.

How does this relate to America? Note that the growing resistance to federal control known as nullification movements are mainly phenomena of traditionalist states. “Seed” them with socialist-leaning “new Americans” who will attract even more such people via chain migration, and over time you can diminish the states’ traditionalist tendencies to a point at which the nullification movements are nullified. This, not to mention that if, for instance, Texas can be turned blue, it will render the election of even a moderately conservative presidential candidate impossible.

Really, though, Barack Obama telegraphed his intentions from the start. “Fundamental change,” anyone? “Fundamental” means “serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis” of something. If you say your wife needs fundamental change, it means you probably don’t like her very much — and you want her to become a completely different person.

The difference, perhaps, is that Obama was never married to America emotionally. But a compliant concubine he would have her become.

Photo: Ali Abbas