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“Like other drugs, vaccines require a long testing process to see whether they indeed protect people from disease, and do so safely.” So related an MD writing at the liberal Atlantic magazine in February 2020 — early in the Covid “pandemic.” The Atlantic also announced that a “vaccine won’t stop the new coronavirus.” It further predicted that cold and flu season would likely become cold, flu, and Covid season.

Of course, the magazine was right: The “vaccines’ didn’t stop Covid, and we do have cold, flu, and Covid season.

Yet there’s still more. The Atlantic additionally stated that any vaccine developed would come too late to help us with the pandemic. On this point, the mag was right and wrong. The outlet didn’t foresee the “Emergency Use Authorization” that would expedite Covid shots’ introduction. That the injections didn’t at all “help,” however, is the assertion in a newly published book. Titled The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity, it reveals what happens when vaccines don’t undergo “that long testing process.” That is, they perhaps won’t “protect people from disease” — “and do so safely.”

The Book on Pfizer

Reporting on the story Monday, commentator James Stansbury states that the U.S., U.K., and Australia have all tried to suppress the book’s publication. He then presents its introduction, written by Dr. Naomi Wolf, who’s a somewhat “red-pilled” liberal. Wolf, an ardent critic of the coercive Covid regime, writes (as presented by Stansbury):

“The story of how [this book] came to be is extraordinary — 3250 highly credentialed doctors and scientists under the leadership of one extraordinary woman, Amy Kelly, worked for two years on the 450,000 internal Pfizer documents released under court order by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri. In the process these volunteers confirmed the greatest crime against humanity of all time.”

“The story began when lawyer Aaron Siri successfully sued the Food and Drug Administration, to compel them to release “The Pfizer Documents.” These are Pfizer’s internal documents — as noted above, 450,000 pages in number — that detail the clinical trials Pfizer conducted in relation to its COVID mRNA injection.”

“We learned that Pfizer knew within three months after rollout in December 2020, that the vaccines did not work to stop COVID. Pfizer’s language was “vaccine failure” and “failure of efficacy.”

“Many people who took this injection, as it was launched in 2020–2021–2022 and to the present, did not realize that normal testing for safety of a new vaccine — testing that typically takes ten to twelve years — had simply been bypassed via the mechanisms of a “state of emergency” and the FDA’s “Emergency Use Authorization.”

Staggering Allegations

If that sounds like something that won’t end well, that’s the point. Wolf continues, leveling truly startling charges:

“Pfizer knew that the vaccine materials — lipid nanoparticles, an industrial fat, coated in polyethylene glycol, a petroleum byproduct; mRNA; and spike protein — did not remain in the deltoid muscle, as claimed by all spokespeople. Rather, it dispersed throughout the body in forty-eight hours “like a shotgun blast,” as one of the authors, Dr. Robert Chandler, put it; it crossed every membrane in the human body — including the blood-brain barrier — and accumulated in the liver, adrenals, spleen, brain, and, if one is a woman, in the ovaries.”

“These side effects included: death (which Pfizer does list as a “serious adverse event”). Indeed, over 1,233 deaths in first three months of the drug being publicly available.”

“Severe COVID-19; liver injury; neurological adverse events; facial paralysis; kidney injury; autoimmune diseases; chilblains (a localized form of vasculitis that affects the fingers and toes); multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (when more than one organ system is failing at once); the activation of dormant herpes zoster infections; skin and mucus membrane lesions; respiratory issues; damaged lung structure; respiratory failure; acute respiratory distress syndrome…”

“Babies suffered and died. In one section of the documents, over 80 percent of the pregnancies followed resulted in miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. In another section of the documents, two newborn babies died, and Pfizer described the cause of death as “maternal exposure” to the vaccine.”

“By the time Pfizer’s vaccine rolled out to the public, the pharmaceutical giant knew that they would be killing babies and significantly harming women and men’s reproduction.”

“Substantial” birth rate drops happened across thirteen countries: countries in Europe, as well as Britain, Australia, and Taiwan, within nine months of public vaccine rollout.”

And What of Accountability?

Much of this information will not be revelatory to The New American’s readers. Also not news, to any of us, is that accountability today only seems to be for the common man. Stansbury wonders, however, if murder charges are applicable to Big Pharma CEOs who withheld damning information. (Likely not; I’d assume corporate law precludes this.) He also asks:

  • Will “goalpost-shifting” Dr. Anthony Fauci be held accountable?
  • Does banning effective therapeutics (e.g., ivermectin) constitute any kind of “murder”?
  • Do the mainstream media and medical journals that demonized the therapeutics also bear guilt? (Yes, but accountability is a different matter, as the First Amendment is operative here.)
  • What of politicians who facilitated Big Pharma’s lies for political advantage? Can they be held accountable?

The sad reality is that being part of the establishment means never having to say you’re sorry. This is, too, likely a major reason the powers-that-be so fear President Trump. Many pseudo-elites are guilty of a host of crimes. And they may be afraid that if anti-establishment forces win enough power, they’ll actually have to answer for their crimes. Think the French Revolution, without the leftism, guillotine, and bloodshed — just a nice clean, Spartan prison cell.

But that the pseudo-elites are guilty of criminal negligence, at a minimum, regarding Covid is illustrated by The Atlantic’s counsel. After all, if that left-wing magazine knew what coronavirus reality was early on, what was the establishment’s excuse for “ignorance”?