Biden to Compensate Bureaucrats With China Virus Vaccine Injuries
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A new federal bulletin says the Biden Regime will compensate federal employees injured by China Virus vaccines because receiving the potentially deadly shot is required to work.

“The bulletin is the first tacit, official admission by the federal government that injury claims for Covid-19 vaccine are expected,” investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson reported yesterday.

Published October 1, the bulletin promises compensation to employees vaccinated on or after Biden’s vaccination order of September 9.

The Bulletin

Injured employees will receive compensation under the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA), the bulletin explains.

“Deleterious effects of medical services furnished by the employing establishment are generally considered to fall within the performance of duty,” the bulletin says, and “these services include preventive programs relating to health.”

Thus, taxpayers will pick up the tab if the jab harms a bureaucrat:

However, this executive order now makes COVID-19 vaccination a requirement of most Federal employment. As such, employees impacted by this mandate who receive required COVID-19 vaccinations on or after the date of the executive order may be afforded coverage under the FECA for any adverse reactions to the vaccine itself, and for any injuries sustained while obtaining the vaccination.

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Given the federal government’s bulletin, private-sector employers can expect to face workman’s compensation claims from injured employees who were forced to get vaccinated or lose a job. Exposure to those claims might curtail some of the private sector’s unreasonable vaccine mandates.

Vaccine manufacturers, of course, face no liability claims for injuries or death.

Vaccines Failing

Attkisson observed that Biden and health officials are ignoring evidence that natural immunity to the virus is superior to the vaccines. Vaccine immunity wanes after about six months.

“The government has not, to date, allowed an exception to the vaccine mandate for natural immunity among federal employees, even though a growing body of scientific studies indicates natural immunity after Covid-19 infection is superior to that provided by the vaccines,” she wrote:

While public health officials have begun acknowledging the existence of natural immunity, some of them, including CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), contradict the majority of the studies by claiming immunity is further improved in the naturally-immune by getting vaccinated.

Last week, Attkisson published a long report about natural versus vaxxed immunity.

“Public health officials are grappling with the reality of an increasing number of fully-vaccinated Americans coming down with Covid-19 infections, getting hospitalized, and even dying of Covid,” she reported:

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) insists vaccination is still the best course for every eligible American. But many are asking if they have better immunity after they’re infected with the virus and recover, than if they’re vaccinated.

Increasingly, the answer within the data appears to be ”yes.”

In early October, Project Veritas released footage of scientists who said natural immunity is preferable to that from a vaccine.

In July, mRNA vaccine inventor Robert Malone expressed his concerns that so many new virus infections were among the vaccinated. Vaccinated congressmen and top staffers on Capitol Hill and in the Biden Regime also contracted the potentially deadly Asiatic pathogen. 

Breakthrough cases are in the thousands.

The CDC has confessed that vaccine effectiveness wanes. As of last week, the agency reported, 31,895 vaccinated people had died or were hospitalized.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, 84, died today of complications from the virus despite receiving both shots. Powell also suffered from multiple myeloma, a cancer that attacks plasma cells that help fight infections. 


Compensation claims among federal and possibly private-sector employees could be significant given the number of those adversely affected after vaccination.

CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) puts that number of adverse events at 666,900. The latest data show that 7,674 people have died, 9,195 have suffered life-threatening injuries, and 8,890 have suffered a permanent disability. Hospitalizations have reached 36,031; 75,858 people have landed in the emergency room.

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More people have died after receiving the experimental vaccines than all other vaccines combined since CDC began tracking the numbers.

Though correlation is not causation, that so many have died or suffered an injury after an inoculation suggests a strong tie between the vaccine and the adverse events.