Top Climate Alarm “Scientist”: Get Rid of Cars, Coal, Steel — or It’s the End of the World

Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber (shown) wants to take us back to the Stone Age — literally. In a March 15 interview with the German newspaper Deutsche Welle, the German physicist declared that global warming is so serious that not only must we all give up the use of coal and our internal combustion vehicles in the next 13 years, but we must also ditch concrete and steel — for “wood, clay and stone.” If we don’t do this, along with other drastic measures, we are headed toward planetary warming of “4, 5, 6 or even 12 degrees,” he claims. This would bring, he insists, “the end of the world as we know it.”

Asked by Deutsche Welle where we stand now with regard to “the world’s carbon budget,” Schellnhuber responded: “It’s quite mind-boggling — for example, by 2030, we have to phase out the combustion engine. And we have to completely phase out the use of coal for producing power. By 2040 we will probably have to replace concrete and steel for construction by wood, clay and stone.”

“Germany actually has the more ambitious goal — here within the European Union — a 40 percent reduction by 2020,” he says, in praise of his homeland’s policies. But then he admits: “It looks fairly bleak actually, with the current policies in place we will not even meet our own target. Something fairly disruptive needs to happen, like closing down some of the operating coal-fired power stations.”

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Something disruptive? Turn off the power? Yes, the coercive utopians do not hesitate to impose hardship and sacrifice on others —while exempting themselves from the consequences of their actions.

Before you write this off as just another delusional rant from your garden variety greenie suffering from CDS (Climate Derangement Syndrome), consider this: Schellnhuber is a top climate alarmist for Germany, the United Nations, the European Union, and the Vatican. He is one of the high priests of anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming (AGW) dogma and the co-author of the oppressive AGW regulatory regimes that have already caused such economic and social havoc in the EU. Although not as well known as Al “the Blizzard King” Gore, the German “scientist” exercises real global clout. He has played a key role in launching and feeding the Climate Derangement Syndrome that now can be used to mobilize mobs of unhinged activists who will march, protest, scream, disrupt, threaten, scold, and riot on command.

As we pointed out last year (see here and here), Dr. Schellnhuber, the founding director and chief of the Potsdam Institute in Germany, is a lead author for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a top science advisor to the European Union, as well as to Angela Merkel’s government in Germany and the World Bank. His most significant recent conquest has been his appointment in 2015 to the Pontifical Academy of Science, where his impact has already been felt. Schellnhuber, reportedly, had a significant role in writing Pope Francis’ radical environmental encyclical, Laudato Si, which has alarmed many Catholics and pro-life advocates (see herehere, and here) who see him as a key operative in the George Soros/John Podesta/Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama cabal exposed by WikiLeaks, and that has been welcomed into the Vatican by Pope Francis.

The Vatican appointment is indeed odd and alarming. Not only is Schellnhuber a vocal atheist, but he is also well-known as a population-control advocate, along with being a member of the elite Club of Rome, one of the planet’s most prominent population-control organizations. The Club’s 1972 report, The Limits to Growth, reinforced the hysterical, neo-Malthusian vison of Paul Ehrlich’s apocalyptic 1968 book, The Population Bomb — and proved to be as wildly inaccurate. In 1991, the Club came out with another environmental jeremiad, The First Global Revolution, strategically timed for release just before the UN’s 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.

World Government Ruled by Schellnhuber and His Fellow “Scientist” Sages

No doubt some Club of Rome members considered The First Global Revolution to be a bit too candid in revealing the organization’s real views and agenda. The doomsday report shockingly stated: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention…. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” 

This bears repeating:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us … the threat of global warming … would fit the bill…. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

Schellnhuber and his Club of Rome comrades have been using the claim that overpopulation is the cause of all alleged environmental crises as the basis for propagandizing in favor of abortion, sterilization, euthanasia, contraception, and other avenues of eradicating “the real enemy,” which they see as “humanity itself.”

In 2009, the German newspaper Der Spiegel reported that “Schellnhuber is proposing the creation of a CO2 budget for every person on the planet, regardless whether they live in Berlin or Beijing.” This stupefyingly totalitarian proposal prompted Czech physicist Dr. Lubos Motl, to respond: “What Schellnhuber has just said in the interview with Der Spiegel, is just breathtaking and it helps me to understand how crazy political movements such as the Nazis or communists could have so easily taken over a nation that is as sensible as Germany.”

Not surprisingly, Dr. Schellnhuber is an avid proponent of world government. In a 2013 article, “Expanding the Democracy Universe,” published in Humans and Nature, the journal of the Center for Humans and Nature, he argued for a global “democracy” run by all-wise, self-anointed scientists/sages such as himself. Schellnhuber called for establishing “key institutions that could bring about a sophisticated — and therefore more appropriate — version of the conventional ‘world government’ notion. Global democracy might be organized around three core activities, namely (i) an Earth Constitution; (ii) a Global Council; and (iii) a Planetary Court.”

It was Schellnhuber who came up with the two-degree limit myth that has now become dogma among AGW alarmists, thanks to relentless promotion of this falsehood by the World Bank, the IMF, the UN IPCC, the government of the United States, and the globalist media. However, even Schellnhuber has admitted this much-ballyhooed two-degree “tipping point” of his is a political invention, not a scientific fact. “In an interview with German newspaper Der Spiegel,” The New American reported in January, 2016, “Schellnhuber admitted it is politics, not science, that is driving his agenda. ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit — it’s clearly a political goal,’ he told Der Spiegel. ‘The world will not come to an end right away in the event of stronger warming, nor are we definitely saved if warming is not as significant. The reality, of course, is much more complicated.’”

But now he is once again going simplistic, ignoring the previously admitted complexities. The reason is obvious: Like all of his fellow alarmists, he’s desperate. Global surface temperatures have remained stable for 20 years, even as man-made CO2 has continued to increase, defying the predictions of the alarmists. Climate realists (whom the alarmists vilify as “deniers”) are winning the debate with real science and real evidence. And President Trump is threatening to undo President Obama’s illegitimate climate deal with the UN, as well as defund the massive alarmist network that has been built with tens of billions of taxpayer dollars. So, time to get hysterically simplistic, bombastic, and alarmist again.

Schellnhuber’s doomsday factory, the Potsdam Institute, which has been showered with a huge, non-stop avalanche of government funding, is a prime example of the type of cozy cronyism and rampant corruption that public-private partnerships have spawned in Germany and the EU. “Schellnhuber is a key architect of the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (ETS), which is held up as the model for the planet despite the fact that it has been rife with scandal and corruption, with billions of euros being milked from it by organized crime and even by financiers of al-Qaeda,” we reported last year. “And that does not include the much larger sums that have been skimmed off by the ‘legal’ corporatist criminals who have special privileges to broker these non-palpable carbon credit commodities.”

The New American noted

A 400-page report that Schellnhuber co-authored entitled World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability sheds important light on where these elitists intend to direct their decarbonization effort. Published in 2011 as a “Flagship Report” of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WGBU), of which Schellnhuber is the chair, the report refers to itself as a “master plan” for “The Great Transformation.”

According to World in Transition, “If the radical change into a low carbon society is to succeed,” the world “must leave the epoch of nation states behind” and move toward more and more “global governance.” The new world state envisioned, according to the WBGU, will be a more “proactive state” and a more “enabling state,” unencumbered by old-fashioned notions of constitutional limitations and natural law.

Politically, says the WBGU, this transformation “requires a historically unprecedented transcending of established sovereignty concepts.”

In his latest interview with Deutsche Welle, Schellnhuber is urging his fellow activist “scientists” to leave their “ivory towers” and “take to the streets,” an apparent appeal for more confrontational politics of the type we have already seen aplenty in the anti-Trump protests.

Schellnhuber declares, in the interview:

We scientists love to sit in our ivory towers, untainted by the dirt of the real world and so on, [but] we have to take to the streets, we have to speak up. We have to leave our ivory towers, and we have to communicate to everybody that we want to be part of the solution.

Yes, by all means, it would do Schellnhuber & Comrades good to get tainted “by the dirt of the real world” — not by protesting and propagandizing, but by doing some real hands-on work, such as the real people do whom they are trying to shackle with ever more burdensome regulations, and whom they are trying to deny access to affordable, viable, life-saving energy.

In a frenzied effort to amp up the panic meter, Schellnhuber makes the ludicrous claim that we are headed toward a planetary warming of 12 degrees, which is triple what even the discredited and hysteria-prone IPPC and World Bank say is the “worst-case scenario” by 2060: 4 degrees Celsius. “We are at the crossroads now,” he claims. “We either say: this thing is too big for us, this task cannot be done. [Then] we will be transformed by nature, because we will end up with a planet warming by 4, 5, 6 or even 12 degrees. It would be the end of the world as we know it, and I have all the evidence.”

Yes, he has “all the evidence” — but don’t ask to see it. As is the case with so many of his climateer colleagues (Michael Mann, Phil Jones, James Hansen, John Cook, NASA, NOAA, et al. — see herehere, and here) — Schellnhuber and Potsdam like to make their sensational claims public, but not their sensational data, on which their claims are allegedly based. We are supposed to simply trust them. Sorry, Herr Schellnhuber, but real science and real liberty don’t work that way.

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