Now Hiring Rent-A-Mobs: Mobilizing Global Warming Activists for 2015 Action

January blizzards have been blanketing the nation in snow from Maine to Texas — breaking many snowfall records in the process — but the “climate change” alarmists insist that anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming, AGW, is still the top “existential threat” to man and nature.

Climate Ground Zero is one of the many national enviro-activist groups gearing up to apply pressure on Congress to accept the new binding climate treaty to be offered later this year at the United Nations climate summit in Paris.

A key part of this effort is mobilizing street canvassers to sign up new members, get petitions signed and publicize marches, demonstrations, and protests. With billions of dollars in corporate, foundation, and government funding at their disposal, many of the Big Green enviro groups (Sierra Club, Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund, et al) have committed significant sums to hiring unemployed youth and college students to work as canvassers/organizers, a practice that has proven effective in expanding their membership base and recruiting new activists.

{modulepos inner_text_ad}

Climate Ground Zero, an organization founded by radical enviro-anarchist Mike Roselle, a founder of Earth First! and the Ruckus Society, is running these ads on for South Florida:

Stop Climate Change! 10$- 16$ per hour- No fundraising! (Broward county)
Climate Ground Zero, a national environmental organization, is looking for smart, articulate and dedicated activists.This position involves face to face communication at a variety of safe locations in Broward County.
No experience , will train
Flexible scheduling
P/T or F/T
Must be 18
Must have valid ID
Must pass background check
Call Mike for more details and to set up an interview!
compensation: 10$ per hour, bonuses up to 16$ per hour
contract job – non-profit organization

Right below the Climate Ground Zero advertisement is a similar ad for:

Work on real world issues.
Gain real world experience — with THE FUND3

The ad then provides a biographical example of a canvasser/activist and the (supposedly) seamless connection between fighting global warming and advocacy for Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender “rights.”:

Evan Moulson, age 21, Tufts University
* Field Manager his first summer, Office Director last summer
* Working to fight climate change & end workplace discrimination
* Gaining incredible experience for his resumé

“Incredible experience for his resumé”? Well, why not? We do have an occupant of the Oval Office, do we not, with little more than “community organizer” on his resumé?

The LGBT canvasser ad then tells prospective employees to apply online at, which, the ad informs us, is a project of the Fund for the Public Interest (FFPI).

According to the Craigs List ad, “The Fund for the Public Interest is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, gender, handicap, pregnancy, sexual orientation or veteran status.”

The Fund for the Public Interest is a major funding channel for Ralph Nader’s U.S. Public Interest Research Group, funneling millions of dollars each year to radical leftwing causes. It receives generous funding from the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, Bullitt Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Open Society Institute (George Soros), Pew Charitable Trusts, the (Ted) Turner Foundation, and many other tax-exempt foundations.

On its webpage, the Fund for the Public Interest boasts of its influence, claiming to have put its “alums” in more than 400 other “progressive” organizations:

Fund Alums in 400+ Organizations, Foundations, & Govt Offices
Fund alums can be found most everywhere in politics. Our records show alumni presence in more than 400 progressive organizations, foundations, and government offices….

Among the “progressive” groups FFPI has helped populate are:

American Cancer Society
Amnesty International
Earth First!
Environmental Defense
Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network 
National Wildlife Federation
Planned Parenthood
Sierra Club 
Working Families Party
World Wildlife Fund

The purpose of the Climate/LGBT/radical cause dujour funding network, of course, is to hire enough rent-a-mob organizers to keep the illusion going that there is widespread popular support for a UN-imposed global regime to “save” the planet, by drastically regulating, taxing, and controlling all human activity.

As we have reported here in The New American, this vast activist network is made possible by funding from liberal-left Hollywood celebrities such as Barbra Streisand, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie (see here and here), but even more so from the much larger contributions provided by Wall Street moguls and the huge tax-exempt foundations. Among the top funders of the phony “grassroots” activist network are the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Schmidt Family Foundation (created by Google boss Eric Schmidt), and the Heinz Family Foundation (largely controlled by Secretary of State John Kerry’s wife).

Last year Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee issued a report detailing more than $250 million in funding from these activist sources to the radical environmental organizations. That study, entitled, “The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA,” makes it clear that these foundations and their eco-activist organization network are colluding with the Obama administration to use environmental regulations to shut down America’s economy and further empower the federal government to control virtually every aspect of our lives.

Now, with the United Nations climate summit approaching, the same forces are working to ratchet that control up from the federal government level to the global government level.

Related articles:

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