Sophia Kianni
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“How dare you!” Grumpy, Grouchy Greta has been dumped for Sexy, Seductive Sophia. The screeching Miss Pippi Longstocking has been chucked for the sizzling Miss Victoria’s Secret. At COP27, the UN’s recently concluded climate charade in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, Sophia Kianni was everywhere as the glamorous face of the United Nations Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. Her Instagram and Twitter accounts (see below) show Sophia speaking from the COP27 rostrum and posing with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Biden’s special climate envoy John Kerry, and other conference diplomats and activists.

Nineteen-year-old Swedish sensation Greta Thunberg, the world’s most famous climate fanatic, boycotted November’s COP27. Why? According to the teen eco-messiah, it’s because it’s “a scam.” It is a charge Thunberg has leveled at previous UN COPs (UN Conferences of Parties), noting that people in positions of power were using the high-profile gatherings for attention and were “greenwashing, lying and cheating.” All of which is absolutely true, as The New American has pointed out repeatedly.

However, whether young Greta and her handlers fully realize it, they are themselves a big part of the scam. Greta and her legions of zealous followers provide the outrage in the streets — the pressure from below — while the politicians, UN officials, World Economic Forum, and corporate media provide the pressure from above, all to create hysteria over a nonexistent “existential threat.” Greta, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Bill McKibben, and the rest of the green outrage lobby exist to goad on the process of empowering the UN with enormous new powers and to make this radically subversive transformation appear moderate by claiming it is not moving fast enough or far enough.

Noted for her snarling, sneering attacks on capitalism, fossil fuels, and everyone who fails to fall into line behind her in her eco-extremist crusade, Thunberg also announced that another reason she was not attending the COP27 was due to human rights abuses in the host country, Egypt. Human rights? That claim is particularly rich in that Greta the Great and her myrmidons show none of the same solidarity, zeal, and compassion for the millions of victims of the world’s worst violator of human rights: Communist China. The totalitarian Beijing regime also gets a free ride from Greta and company on global warming, even though it is indisputable fact to the point of being common knowledge that China is the world’s biggest polluter and is racing ahead at warp speed to build even more coal-fired plants (see here and here, for example), while the Greta-bots demand that U.S. coal, oil, and natural gas must stay in the ground.

Thanks to orchestrated media collusion providing the militant teenybopper with millions of dollars’ worth of free publicity, as well as over-the-top promotion by the UN and the World Economic Forum, Thunberg was catapulted to global stardom, gracing the covers of major magazines — including being named Time magazine’s 2017 “Person of the Year” — and garnering millions of adoring followers on various social media platforms.

Rather than attending COP27 and doing a reprise of her past virtue-signaling performances, Greta Inc. was instead playing to her global audience of devotees with a book tour for her latest propaganda effort, The Climate Book. Like the rest of the pious frauds who claim to be “speaking truth to power,” she is being promoted by the same powerful interests she insists she is fighting.

So, while Greta was busy stirring up activists on the outside, she was replaced inside COP27 by 20-year-old Iranian-American Sophia Kianni, one of Greta’s many understudies in the climate youth brigade rent-a-mob. The image change is dramatic, as the photos of Miss Kianni above attest.

The selection of Sophia Kianni to headline the UN’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change was obviously a calculated move to appeal to the Kardashian/Taylor Swift demographic of Gen Z’s celebrity-worshiping female fashionistas, although the climate hottie will undoubtedly appeal as well to males of all ages. In sharp contrast to Greta’s uncoiffed appearance and drab proletarian garb, Sophia looks to have just stepped off the fashion runway and seems to run through daily wardrobe changes faster than Joe Biden can dish out gaffes and gibberish. Teen Vogue, the degenerate “fashion” magazine notorious for pushing pornography, abortion, sodomy, and LGBTQ militancy to its teen audience, promotes Kianni as a “Climate Champion” for its young readers to emulate. The new climate starlet appears to be nearly as passionate about environmental issues as Thunberg, but is nowhere near as scornful and strident.

Kianni’s website informs that her work “has been featured in news outlets including Forbes, CNN, Business Insider, BBC, NPR, ELLE, TIME Magazine, The Guardian, NBC, and even on the front page of The Washington Post. She was previously a fellow with PBS NewsHour and has written for news outlets such as MTV News, Cosmopolitan, Refinery 29, and Teen Vogue. She is a prolific public speaker and has spoken at universities across the country including Columbia University, UC Berkeley, Emory University, and Harvard University. She gave her debut TED Talk as the closing speaker at the inaugural TED Countdown Conference.”

Moreover, we learn that “She has been named VICE Media’s youngest Human of the Year, a National Geographic Young Explorer, and BuzzFeed’s youngest Woman to Watch.”

But don’t weep for poor Greta; she’s not about to be neglected anytime soon. Her ties to global power brokers and media cheerleaders guarantee that she will continue to be a leading voice of sanctimony and climate hysteria for years to come.

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