While Attacking Trump, Washington Post Defends Government Schools

From FreedomProject Media:

In a half-baked column that was apparently meant to be a defense of government schools, Washington (Com) Post “education” columnist Valerie Strauss wondered why non-government education was not being blamed for the “mess” that she believes President Donald Trump has inflicted on America. The piece sounds like it was written by a victim of government schools.

While there is little coherence to the column, there are several points interspersed randomly throughout it that deserve to be mentioned. Perhaps most importantly, it claims that since Americans often blame government indoctrination centers for problems facing America, it is unfair that private schools are not being blamed for Trump because he attended a private school.

“In recent years, there has been a common lament that a decline in civics education has turned generations of Americans into dopes who don’t vote or pay much attention to the civic life of the country, and that is the reason for the lamentable state of U.S. politics,” Strauss wrote. “President Trump did not attend public schools.”

“Since becoming president, Trump has shown remarkable ignorance of U.S. history and how the government he heads actually works,” Strauss continued, without offering a single example to support her silly claim. “So, if the public schools were responsible for the Sputnik debacle, are the private schools responsible for Trump’s ignorance?”

To read the rest of the article, click here.

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