Teacher Suspended for Targeting White Males; Accused Them of Domination

A San Francisco English teacher who says she discusses “sensitive topics” in class admitted that she singled out white male students, accusing them of “dominating the conversation” and asking them if they “felt like a minority.” And while the “educator” was ultimately suspended after her district received complaints, she now, apparently, is back in the classroom.

Per the New York Post:

Parents and students reported Lowell High School teacher Nicole Noel Henares in September 2022 after she asked white male students to stand as a group in front of the rest of their class.

In a report obtained by Fox News Digital, students said they “felt confused, sad and there was no correct answer for them in that moment” when Henares called them out.

Henares was initially placed on paid administrative leave on September 15, 2022, while San Francisco Unified School District officials conducted an investigation.

The report also said the English teacher asked students questions that were not related to the lesson she had been teaching.

This isn’t unusual today, either. In accordance with our spirit of the age, which subordinates duty, honor, and principle to governance by emotion, we have activist teachers just as we have activist actors and judges.

As for Henares, her story gets worse. Students also reported that she “used inappropriate materials in her class, including the Lil Nas X song ‘Montero/Call Me By Your Name,’ which features explicit lyrics including ‘I wanna sell what you’re buying / I wanna feel on your a[**] in Hawaii / I want that jet lag from f—ing and flying / Shoot a child in your mouth while I’m riding,’” the Post also relates.

Henares denied she used the song in class, “but school records found that she had uploaded the video to her Google Classroom page on two separate dates in August,” informs The Washington Times.

Realize here that Henares apparently chose to expose the kids to what may be the most corruptive song in existence. Montero is an overtly satanic work (video here) in which Lil Nas X “gives a lap dance to Satan and frequently uses the n-word, the f-word and other obscenities,” the Times also reports.

As for the race-based hell certain students had to endure, the Post tells us that during “interviews conducted on Oct. 14, 2022, and Nov. 10, 2022, Henares admitted to singling out the white male students who she said were ‘dominating the conversation’ in class.”

While the students deny this, something should be noted: There was a time when such behavior was called robust “participation.” In fact, students were graded on such, and pressure was put on the wallflowers to participate more. And now it’s a bad thing?

Some students will always be more extroverted than others, of course. There are group differences, too; notably, boys will generally be more outspoken and bolder in expressing their beliefs than girls will. Regardless, if Henares believed certain students were being overshadowed, it was incumbent upon her to get them involved. If she found it difficult to do this and control the class conversation, then the onus is on her for not establishing a disciplined environment. She is the authority figure.

And, in fact, Henares did admit “’that she had not taught any discussion norms to provide a safe space to discuss the sometimes sensitive topics she attempted to,’ the report said,” the Post further relates.

Of course, one would wonder why Henares was discussing “sensitive topics” in the first place. Is she the students’ therapist? Isn’t an English teacher’s job to teach English — or is that now a quaint notion?

In this age of wanting academic rigor — of burgeoning idiocracy in which teachers, professors, and journalists typically write poorly — Henares would be doing invaluable work if she simply taught proper English composition. Are her students’ capacities so Shakespearean that such teaching would be superfluous?

In reality, it’s a task Henares likely is not equal to. As for her malpractice, a Washington Times commenter noted that the “fact that she lied about any of this shows she needs to be permanently removed from [t]he classroom.” But this didn’t happen. Rather, after Henares’ paid administrative leave, she merely had to serve an unpaid suspension lasting from Dec. 12 to Jan. 18. So she’s back teaching, apparently.

Yet there’s a larger issue here, as the top-rated Post commenter pointed out, writing:

Unfortunately there is likely at least 1 instance of this in just about every public school in the country (and there are about 100,000). …[So] attention parents: every-single-day you MUST ask your children “what happened at school today?”. Don’t accept “nuthin”. Engage them, ask them what they were taught. …Do what we did while our kids went to school: Always correct the lies they are told. My kids all graduated high school between 2008 and 2012 and there were many lies that had to be corrected about numerous different things. Imagine how bad it is now!

For sure, left-wing indoctrination is not just a San Francisco or big-city phenomenon. Wherever the school, the educators generally come out of the same indoctrination-mill teachers colleges and use the same textbooks. Thus, if your children go to a school, any school, they will be subjected to at least some indoctrination.

This is why homeschooling has become the best option. It’s a shame, but the only thing we can now trust our institutions to be is untrustworthy.

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