Teacher Recruits “Most Emotionally Unstable” Kids for LGBT Club

A California teacher was caught on video bragging about exploiting vulnerable and mentally unstable children, apparently illegally, to promote the LGBT agenda in public school by creating “Gay-Straight Alliance” (GSA) clubs. The controversial comments sparked outrage among concerned parents across the state and beyond.

The teacher in question, Lisa Avery at Rosemont Middle School in the Glendale Unified School District of La Crescenta, California, was wearing a “PRIDE” shirt speaking to a group of fellow teachers when the remarks were made. The focus of the talk was how to recruit and manipulate vulnerable children into starting student groups that promote homosexuality and gender-confusion at school.

“So who are your students? How are you going to find them?” she asked the crowd about finding leaders to start the clubs. “Um, first of all, our leaders were unreliable. Remember, we had poached them from the counseling office. Right? They were not the most emotionally stable students on campus. Actually, they were the least emotionally stable students on campus.” Other teachers can be heard laughing about this.

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A crucial player in the scheme to recruit vulnerable children to advance the LGBT agenda was her husband, Alex, who she said worked as a mental health counselor in the counseling office. “We struggled to come up with weekly activities for our meetings,” continued Mrs. Avery, once again confirming that these “student-led” clubs are actually faculty-led operations. She also admitted that “I run the GSA.”

Interestingly, what the teacher boasted of doing appears to be a flagrant violation of federal law, according to critics and analysts. In fact, when reached by The Newman Report, the principal of the school indicated that he was familiar with federal requirements on school clubs, even though he said he was not aware of the bizarre talk by Mrs. Avery teaching teachers how to recruit and exploit mentally unstable children.

Specifically, under Title 20, Chapter 52, Subchapter VIII, Section 4071 of the U.S. Code, any government school that takes federal money is required to ensure that student clubs and meetings are actually “student-initiated.” There also must be “no sponsorship of the meeting by the school, the government, or its agents or employees.” Clearly, Avery was doing the initiating and running.

When reached by The Newman Report, Principal Scott Anderle initially said he was not familiar with the video of Mrs. Avery that was posted to Youtube by Informed Parents of California. However, when offered details about the remarks, even without supposedly knowing the names, he said that the counselor identified as being part of the scheme no longer worked at the school.

He did admit that Rosemont Middle School had a “Rainbow” LGBT club to promote homosexuality and transgenderism. And he said it was “totally voluntary” for students to participate. However, Dr. Anderle said he was unaware of Mrs. Avery’s comments indicating that she and her husband had been preying on mentally unstable children to create the homosexual clubs at the school.

After being sent the video through e-mail, he did not respond to e-mail and phone requests for further comment by press time. However, his secretary called back right before the article was sent in indicating that the public-information office would be contacting this reporter as soon as possible. An update will be posted if and when that happens.

Critics were outraged. “I keep on saying it over and over and over, it’s time for parents to wake up to the hard truth that public schools are not safe,” said Stephanie Yates, founder of the prominent educational group Informed Parents of California that first brought the scandal to light. “The department of education and the teacher unions have actively been training teachers to prey on children.”

Perhaps even more troubling, she said, was that the schools were giving “predators” access to children, as long as those predators “hide behind organizations that supposedly help to advocate for children, even though in reality they are recruiting and training the most vulnerable children for their own political purposes.”

“As a parent I would be livid because this teacher and her husband are using their position of influence, trust and power to manipulate children to be a part of a lifestyle of homosexuality and transgendrism that will cause even more mental instability and even lead them to become suicidal or make permanently life-altering decisions on sex reassignment or breast removal and sterilization,” added Yates.

“They are exploiting these children for their own personal agendas and making it look like its coming from the kids’ own desire,” she continued. “We send our children to school to be educated and not be preyed upon and exploited.”

Yates called for Mrs. Avery and her husband to be fired and for an investigation to determine all the facts in the case. “These two individuals should never be around children again,” added the prominent activist leader. “Mrs. Avery should have her teacher credentials revoked permanently. This is not an isolated incident.”

Unfortunately, the recruiting and exploitation of vulnerable and mentally unstable children for LGBT clubs and other purposes in government schools is just the tip of the iceberg. But unless and until parents and taxpayers rise up against the escalating evil, it will continue to spread like a deadly virus destroying America’s precious children.

Update: After this article was published, The Newman Report received the following statement from Glendale Unified School District Communications Director Kristine Nam:

“Ensuring that every student feels a sense of belonging on our campuses is a high priority for Glendale Unified School District. All students are strongly encouraged to participate in clubs, sports, or activities on campus that align with their interests, and students are encouraged to create new clubs if a club aligned to their interests doesn’t already exist. All clubs have a faculty advisor, however all clubs are student-led and participation is voluntary.”

Photo: Chinnapong/iStock/Getty Images Plus

This article originally appeared at FreedomProject Media and is reprinted here iwth permission.