Speaking Arabic, Muslim School Board Member Urges Jihad at American High School Graduation
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Maybe they should rename it Social Justice High School. After all, Justice High School (JHS) in Falls Church, Virginia — known until 2018 as J.E.B. Stuart High School, in honor of a Confederate general — is now a wokester’s dream. While the institution is 50.3 percent Hispanic, 23.4 percent white, 13.6 percent Asian-descent, and 10.1 percent black, its homepage’s “big image shows 11 students, none of them White, holding myriad flags, none of them American,” writes commentator Andrea Widburg.

Yes, because “diversity” obviously means no white people, and multiculturalism means every culture but the West’s.

“One young woman in a hijab holds a Somalia Mogadishu flag,” Widburg continues. “Another holds the flag of Libya. And yet another has the flag of Eritrea in his hands. The school’s mascot is a wolf, and the students are wearing sweatshirts that play on that name: ‘Woke Pack,’ they say.”

Well, it doesn’t get more in-your-face than that, does it? Or maybe it does. Try this on for size:

At JHS’s graduation ceremony on June 7, hijab-clad school board member Abrar Omeish (mis)informed students in English that they were “entering a world filled with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy,” reports the Daily Wire.

Then Omeish, described as the sole Muslim on the Fairfax County School Board, told the graduates in Arabic, “to remember their ‘jihad’ — a word meaning both ‘struggle’ and, specifically, holy war waged on behalf of Islam,” writes the Daily Mail.

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As to this, Widburg emphasizes that we’ve “learned since 9/11 that, no matter how much activist Muslims try to pretend ‘jihad’ merely means a spiritual struggle, in practical fact, they’re pretty much always speaking about actions accompanied by the cry of ‘Allahu akhbar.’”

Speaking of war, if there were a Cultural Revolution award, JHS’s graduation ceremony could capture it. After all, this was the event in which the class president “led what she called ‘the nation’s anthem,’ referring to the pledge of allegiance, in which she said the United States was ‘one nation under Allah,’” the Wire also informs.

(Moreover, for some reason, the JROTC cadets present were the only individuals wearing masks.)

After the Pledge, Omeish took the spotlight and, upon noting that JHS was on land stolen from the Manahoac Indians (yes, and the Muslim Mideast sits on land stolen from Christians), began her speech. As the Mail relates:

“We struggle with human greed, racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, white supremacy growing wealth gaps, disease, climate crisis extreme poverty amidst luxury and waste right next door, and the list goes on,” she told the group, who she referred to as the “Justice Class of 2021.” 

“The world may try to quiet you by deciding for you what’s cool, what’s weird, what is or isn’t objective. It may try to convince you that what you hold dear is too different to be accepted. But who gets to decide?[”]

“You are walking into a world that will be uncomfortable when you seek to cause good trouble. And that may seek to intimidate you or make you think the truth is controversial,” she said.

“Every part of your being may scream in rage at the ways others have wronged you,’ but ‘let compassion for your fellow human beings, not anger or rage — and believe me this is hard to do — fuel you.”

Omeish also told the students in English: “‘The world sees the accolade, the diploma[,] the fruit of all your years yet be reminded of your struggle,’” reports the U.S. Sun.

It was after this that she repeated the speech in Arabic and “warned the pupils to remember the word ‘Jihad’ — which means holy war in Islam. It also means a crusade for a principle,” the paper continues.

Of course, if Omeish had merely meant a “crusade for principle,” why did she render the message in a foreign language?

But Omeish is no stranger to controversy. She had previously sparked it, for example, with “comments about Israel[,] which she criticized for ‘apartheid & colonization,” the Mail relates.

It’s easy now to assume that anti-American Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) must be Omeish’s role model. Yet note here that she “is the daughter of Esam Omeish, a surgeon who was born in Libya,” Meaww.com tells us. “Her father was a member of the Virginia Commission of Immigration. In 2007, he was ironically forced to resign over the usage of the word ‘Jihad,’ when a video showed him condemning Israel’s actions at the time and advocating ‘the jihad way.’”  

Note, too, that Omeish’s father “was a ‘leader and a board member of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center,’” the Wire informs, which “is a mosque attended by two of the 9/11 hijackers as well as the shooter in the 2009 attack on Fort Hood. Its imam was Anwar al-Awlaki, who President Barack Obama ordered killed by drone strike for plotting terrorism for Al Queda [sic].”

But, hey, don’t worry: The Omeish’s version of jihad is just an inner spiritual struggle that’s all about achieving holiness, remember? Nothing to see here. Move along.

Besides, even if the Omeishes’ jihad is a tad more, uh, proactive, let not your heart be troubled. In accordance with Abrar Omeish’s land-acknowledgement passions (the Manahoac bit), any jihadist conquest of America would mean giving the land back to the Indians.

The Mideast Christians can tell you all about that.