School District Teaching Biological Sex Is Meaningless

From FreedomProject Media:

As if to prove that the looniest lunatics are really running the asylum, policymakers with the far-left school board in Fairfax County, Virginia, voted overwhelmingly to teach children that their biological sex is meaningless. The officials also plan to teach 12- and 13-year old children to embrace transgenderism, without providing any information on the risks.

The outlandish schemes in Virginia were first reported by the conservative-leaning Family Research Council on its blog. In its report, the FRC highlighted changes to the so-called “Family Life Education” curriculum approved by a committee of “sex-ed” advisors that “will take things from bad to worse.” And bad may be a severe understatement.

Among the changes to the Orwellian “sex ed” program: scrubbing the term “biological sex” from all lessons. In its place, officials want to use the increasingly nutty language of the gender theorists — “sex assigned at birth,” in this case. One advisor quoted in reports explained it succinctly: “Biological sex is meaningless.” Apparently science is not emphasized much in Fairfax.

Also on the list of changes is teaching children (every year for four years) to use a daily drug regimen to supposedly help them avoid AIDS. The anti-viral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis program, know as PrEP, involves taking anti-viral drugs every day. It is specifically designed for homosexual men who have sex with other men without condoms. And it is not approved by the FDA for children.

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