New School History Book Paints Trump as Racist and Extremist

From FreedomProject Media:

The new Advanced Placement U.S. History book is under fire across America for, among other scandals, portraying President Donald Trump’s supporters as ignorant old racists. It also paints Trump as a racist and highlights his alleged “extremism,” without explaining what, exactly, the far-left author considers to be “extreme.”

“Most thought that Trump was too extreme a candidate to win the nomination, but his extremism, his anti establishment rhetoric and, some said, his not-very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters — more voters than any other single Republican candidate,” claimed the author, without explaining how Trump could win when “most” supposedly thought he was too extreme.

“Trump’s supporters saw the vote as a victory for the people who, like themselves, had been forgotten in a fast-changing America  a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group,” claims the book, dubbed “By The People: A History of the United States” and written by leftist pseudo-historian James Fraser from New York University.

By contrast, Clinton supporters are portrayed much differently. “Clinton’s supporters feared that the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history,” the author wrote.

On top of that, the book continues pushing the fake narrative, peddled by what Trump has consistently ridiculed as the “fake news” media, that the president’s critics are concerned about his “mental stability” and his “anger.” “They [Clinton supporters] also worried about the mental instability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation,” the author said.

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