Lunatics Take Over Asylum at Evergreen College

From FreedomProject Media:

The lunatics have truly taken over the asylum at Evergreen State College. The supposed “leaders” of the college, fumbling with which politically correct pronoun to use, quickly raised the white flag in response to the ludicrous “demands” of the pampered nuts posing as victimized students. And the only seemingly responsible adult at the college who tried to prevent the takeover of the asylum is now being viciously attacked by the bloodthirsty mob demanding his head.

The latest round of insanity on a tax-funded college campus in America reportedly began in late May. It started when Biology Professor Bret Weinstein, apparently the only grown-up at Evergreen State College despite describing himself as a “progressive intellectual,” objected to a “Day of Absence” scheme that was supposed to prohibit white students and faculty from attending the college. The racist plan was supposed to create a “Safe Space” on campus totally free of white people for a day.

Students were outraged that somebody would object to their racist kookery — so much so that law enforcement officials warned Weinstein it was not safe for him to be on campus.

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