Attorney General Demands Respect for Free Speech at Universities

From FreedomProject Media:

Faced with increasingly violent Marxist revolutionaries styling themselves “Antifa,” along with legions of useful idiots who might genuinely believe their phony narrative, conservatives and non-statists on college campuses across America have been in many cases literally terrorized into silence. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is working to change that.

Speaking at Georgetown Law’s Center for the Constitution, Sessions began by reminding the students of how precious the rights to free speech and free expression really are. “In most societies throughout history and in so many that I have had the opportunity to visit, such rights do not exist,” the federal government’s top law enforcement officer explained. “In these places, openly criticizing the government or expressing unorthodox opinions could land you in jail or worse.”

Trump’s attorney general, one of the president’s earliest and staunchest supporters, went on to describe a horrifying incident in which students were arrested merely for peacefully handing out documents designed to help secure God-given rights. But the saga Sessions recounted did not happen in North Korea, China, Venezuela, or Cuba. Instead, it happened at a government-funded college in Michigan last year.

“Freedom of thought and speech on the American campus are under attack,” Sessions explained, adding that U.S. universities were increasingly “transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.” Indeed, almost half of American colleges have speech codes that “substantially infringe on constitutionally protected speech,” he added.

To read the rest of this article, click here.

Photo of Attorney General Jeff Sessions: AP Images