Democrats: Avenatti Gang Rape Nonsense Blew It for Us

The ridiculous allegation that Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh was a gang rapist in high school is what lost the confirmation battle for Democrats, they say, and they’re blaming Michael Avenatti (shown), the lawyer who leveled the charge.

Avenatti, a lawyer who represents Stormy Daniels, the blonde bombshell of the blue movie business, denies fault, and says he won’t be the scapegoat for the shattering loss.

Unfortunately for Avenatti, the Democrats are right.

Kavanaugh the Criminal Mastermind
After Christine Blasey Ford stepped forward with her uncorroborated and ultimately refuted claim that Kavanaugh tried to rape her in 1982, Avenatti claimed he represented a client who would accuse the nominee of gang rape.

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That client is Julie Swetnick. She claimed that Kavanaugh and his pals staged parties “nearly every weekend during the school year,” sometime between 1981 and 1983, where they plied girls with drugs and alcohol — they spiked the punch — and then raped them. Swetnick said that she repeatedly returned to these parties until she was gang raped.

But the woman’s shady past quickly came light: lawsuits with questionable discrimination and injury claims, liens because of unpaid taxes, and an accusation of resumé fraud and sex harassment in which she was the accused.

Unwisely appearing on MSNBC, Swetnick admitted she never saw Kavanaugh spike the punch at these parties, and said she didn’t know if Kavanaugh had participated in her gang rape.

Then two witnesses who knew her smashed whatever credibility she had. An ex-boyfriend detailed her threats against him, while another former acquaintance said Swetnick was a kinky, sexually aggressive woman interested in group sex.

When GOP Senator Susan Collins explained why she would vote for Kavanaugh on the Senate floor on Saturday, she cited Swetnick’s “outlandish allegation [that] was put forth without any credible supporting evidence and simply parroted public statements of others.”

Democrats Finger the Porn Lawyer
Now, Avenatti, a purported contender for president in 2020, is under fire from Democrats. Oliver Darcy, the CNN media writer who waged a one-man campaign to destroy Alex Jones, spoke to Democrats who wished Avenatti had just shut up.

“We should have focused on the serious allegations that certainly appeared very credible to me that would be our best course of action,” said Michigan Democrat Senator Gary Peters.

But Darcy reported, “privately, the assessment was far more scathing:”

“Democrats and the country would have been better off if Mr. Avenatti spent his time on his Iowa vanity project rather than meddling in Supreme Court fights,” a senior Senate Democratic aide fumed, referring to Avenatti toying with the idea of seeking the Democratic presidential nomination. “His involvement set us back, absolutely.”

Said another Democratic senator, “Not helpful at all. I think Susan was always yes, but Avenatti was a useful foil.”

A Democratic aide told the New York Times that Avenatti’s histrionics were “massively unhelpful.” A GOP staff member told the Times that Avenatti’s claims were “manna from heaven.” 

Tweeted CNN politics writer Kyle Feldscher, “Hard to state how much Avenatti’s entrance into this process hurt the Democratic effort to bring down Kavanaugh’s nomination,” while leftist lawyer Alan Dershowitz tweeted that “Kavanaugh owes an enormous debt to @MichaelAvenatti, who may have turned the tide in his favor by diluting Ford’s compelling accusation with an implausible story.”

Avenatti Answers
Not surprisingly, Avenatti returned fire. “It’s a bunch of nonsense that somehow I had anything to do with the end result here being negative,” he told the New York Times. Avenatti claimed that Swetnick’s tale forced the GOP to acquiesce in another FBI probe. “If it would have just been Dr. Ford,” he told the Times, “I don’t think the investigation takes place.”

To Feldscher he replied, “You are right. I should have turned my back on my client. Told her to ‘shut up’ and stay quiet because people like you apparently believe assault victims are to blame. This line of thinking is disgusting and offensive to all survivors. And it makes lawyers not want to help them.”

Nor did Avenatti have a kind word for Dershowitz, who, well-known for his consistent defense of civil liberties, repeatedly said Kavanaugh was innocent until proven guilty. “You used to be respected,” he tweeted. “Now, millions know you for being nothing more than a Fox News hack who sold out to Trump. You have no idea what you are talking about. Once again. Time to retire Alan and hang out with your buddy Giuliani — the law and the facts have passed you by.”

Image of Michael Avenatti: Screenshot of MSNBC video