Young people are being intentionally confused about their traditional gender roles and responsibilities, and the importance of marriage and family. No wonder fewer people are choosing not to tie the knot or have children, said Megann Robinson and Megan Cradduck of the That’s It podcast. 

In this interview with The New American, young conservative commentators reflect on the reasons that led to the decline of marriage in America. That includes the harmful impacts of the sexual revolution, the lies of the feminist movement, perverted sexual content taught in public schools, the replacement of selflessness with selfishness, and the replacement of Christian faith with non-secular pseudo-religions such as transgenderism. Ultimately, the motivation of those driving the anti-family agenda is to instill control over people. 

The ladies started That’s It podcast to inspire teenage girls in their journey of self-improvement, fostering confidence and a deeper comprehension of the world. The commentary also serves as a means of continuous self-growth for the hosts themselves.  

The podcast is available on AppleInstagram and Spotify.