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He’s not exactly Mrs. Doubtfire, a male film-character who masqueraded as a female housekeeper in order to see his children, custody of whom he’d lost via divorce. But one Ecuadorian man is the closest thing to that you’ll find:

He has legally “changed his sex” in an effort to see his kids after an acrimonious marital split.

The thinking is vintage 2020s: In a time where identity is fancied reality, the easiest way to avoid anti-male discrimination is female impersonation.

As the New York Post reports:

René Salinas Ramos, 47, is now listed as female on official documents in his native Ecuador — despite the fact he still identifies as a cisgender male in his everyday life.

The desperate dad claimed he made the drastic decision due to the justice system in his country which he said typically benefits mothers in custody cases.

“Being a father in this country, Ecuador, is punished and I’m only seen as a provider,” Ramos told local outlet La Voz del Tomebamba [“patriarchal Latin cultures”?]. “What I have been looking for is to give the love and protection that a mother can give her children.”

Ramos alleged that his daughters currently live in an abusive environment with their mother — and claimed he hasn’t seen his children in more than five months. [Other sources add that the father hasn’t seen his eldest daughter in 18 months.]

“The laws say that the one who has the right is the woman. As of this moment, I am female. Now I’m also a mom, that’s how I consider myself,” Ramos told media assembled outside the city of Cuenca’s Civil Registry office on Dec. 30. “I am very sure of my sexuality. What I have sought is that I want to be a mother, so that I can also give the love and protection of a mother.”

Ramos can seek this “remedy” because Ecuador’s 2016 Gender Identity Law states, in accordance with “fashions,” that a person can legally “change” his sex without resorting to hormone “treatments” or genital-mutilation surgery.

Nonetheless, Ramos’ position has angered MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) activists, who complain that the man isn’t adhering to the “spirit” of the law (even as they buck the “letter” of biology and reject their actual sex).

Angering the activists even more, perhaps, is that the father is no sexual devolutionary. As website 4W informs:

Despite taking advantage of a law aimed at “LGBTQ+” persons, Salinas Ramos does not identify as one…. Judging by his Facebook page, he also appears to be religious, as well as against abortion, feminism and “LGBT.” For instance, in a 2020 Facebook post, Salinas Ramos shared a satirical video making fun of gender ideology.

Not only does Salinas Ramos believe that family courts discriminate against men. In various Facebook posts, he seems to suggest that men in general are being ruled by women and is a supporter of a “Fathers’ Rights” NGO (Fundacion Padres por Justicia).

Yet Ramos is far from alone in lamenting modern society’s anti-male atmosphere and female dominance. Why, some today might even echo the Bible and say, “Children oppress my people, and women rule over them” (Isaiah 3:12). That is to say, while leftists continually bemoan the Patriarchy™, this is much like fearing an encounter with a T-Rex while on a Yellowstone hike. Our society today may more resemble a matriarchy.

Intellectual Takeout encapsulated the misandry in 2019:

Our popular culture – movies, television, children’s books – has demeaned men while elevating women, an indoctrination begun in pre-school. One small example: pick up almost any of the Berenstain Bear books, aimed at kids three to seven years of age, and you’ll find Mama Bear portrayed as flawless and wise, Papa Bear as a doofus. This propaganda occurs in movie theaters, in television shows where Dad is a guy too dumb to change a light bulb, in the media, in textbooks attacking the “patriarchy,” and in classrooms from kindergarten through graduate school. More recently, some teachers and commentators go so far as to preach toxic masculinity, as if manhood was a piece of poisonous waste. We are raising our girls to be aggressive and independent; we are raising our boys to be… well, more like girls.

This is nothing new, either. Author Christina Hoff Sommers expounded on these issues in her 2001 book The War Against Boys.

As for who rules the roost today, I remember when the late Professor Walter E. Williams, a character’s character, was filling in on a radio show (I believe for Rush Limbaugh) and fielded a caller who implied that the professor would be in hot water at home once his wife heard a politically incorrect statement he’d made. Williams’ principled response was, “I’m not afraid of my wife!”

He’d sometimes lament that he was one of the few, too. While “equal partnerships” (as if marriage is a business relationship) are touted today, it’s all talk. In reality, men often echo Williams’ caller, issuing to other hen-pecked fellows warnings to the effect of, “You’re going to get it when you get home!” Or, how many times have we heard a guy say, when asked if he’s game for something, “I’m gonna’ have to speak to the boss first”? (And, no, he’s not talking about his superior at work.) Do we ever today hear women talk like this? What do you think it says about our civilization?

Of course, many welcome matriarchy, thinking it yields a more peaceful world. But as philosopher G.K. Chesterton pointed out, it’s not what it’s cracked up to be. “What is called matriarchy is simply moral anarchy,” he warned, “in which the mother alone remains fixed because all the fathers are fugitive and irresponsible.”

Was he wrong? The black community is sometimes called “matriarchal” — and 73 percent of its children are born out of wedlock.

Anyway, given all this, it’s no wonder so many men and boys today “identify” as female. Why be a frowned-upon moral fugitive when you can enjoy female privilege and instead be “brave” and “living your best life”?