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A major public university in Virginia will apparently not dismiss a professor who seeks to normalize deviants who desire sex with children, and has written a book defending them.

Allyn Walker, who bills himself as “a queer criminologist,” is the author a A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity. He was a nobody until he surfaced on Twitter last week in an interview with NBC and Atlantic contributor Noah Berlatsky, communications director for a pro-pedophile outfit called Prostasia. He, too, is quite exercised that “pedophiles are stigmatized.”

After the interview went viral, ODU published a short statement attached to another from Walker. The taxpayer-subsidized university averred that neither Walker nor the school support sexual crimes against children.

Good to know. But the story here is that Walker sees nothing strange about adults who want sex with children. Neither, for that matter, does Berlatsky.

No Stigmatizing Pedos

The Libs of Tik Tok Twitter page posted the interview with Walker, last week. Walker, who looks and speaks like a homosexual from central casting, doesn’t like calling pedophiles what they are: pedophiles.

Perhaps a better word would be sex pervert, but anyway, he calls them “minor-attracted persons,” a euphemism meant to normalize their demented attraction to kids.

“First of all, because I think it’s important to use terminology for groups that members of that group want others to use for them,” Walker said. MAP is “less stigmatizing than other terms like pedophile,” and thus the use of “pedophile” must be stopped:

A lot of people when they hear the term pedophile, they automatically assume that it means a sex offender. And that isn’t true, and it leads to a lot of misconceptions about attractions toward minors. I’ve definitely heard the idea that you brought up though that the use of the term ‘minor attracted person’ suggests that it’s okay to be attracted to children, but using a term that communicates who someone is attracted to, it doesn’t indicate anything about the morality of that attraction.

MAPS, he fretted, “think that they’re monsters. That’s really problematic.” And “non-offending maps by definition do not abuse children, so their behaviors are moral.”

The stigma attached to pedophiles makes them “think that they’re monsters. That’s really problematic.… It’s really hard to cope when you think you’re a terrible person because you have attractions you can’t change.”

Walker is also quite concerned that Twitter’s rules against tweets that normalize sex with children would stop him from promoting his book. That estimable literary effort “challeng[es] widespread assumptions that persons who are preferentially attracted to minors — often referred to as ‘pedophiles’ — are necessarily also predators and sex offenders.”

MAPs are “a group whose experiences offer valuable insights into the prevention of child abuse,” the publisher says:

Navigating guilt, shame, and fear, this universally maligned group demonstrates remarkable resilience and commitment to living without offending and to supporting and educating others. Using data from interview-based research, A Long, Dark Shadow offers a crucial account of the lived experiences of this hidden population.

Berlatsky Agrees

Walker’s fellow pedophile backer Berlatsky, as The Post Millennial reported in August, agrees that pedophiles are a put-upon group. He also thinks “parents are tyrants,” most likely because they don’t want guys such as Berlatsky and Walker around their kids.

Berlatsky also believes accusing pedophiles of pedophila is an “explosive accusation linked historically to queer and Jewish people and sex workers.”

A long report about Berlatsky’s outfit at the 4W feminist website says Prostasia’s “goal is to normalize pedophilia.”

“Prostasia sees the threat pedophiles pose to children as a bogeyman dreamed up by the alt-right, while condemning anti-pedophile sentiment as harmful “Nazi-like” rhetoric which requires mass censorship across social media,” 4W reported with hyperlinks to the group’s website:

The organization’s efforts have dedicated themselves to crusades against child pornography bans, letter-writing campaigns to state representatives demanding child-likeness sex dolls be kept legal, and funding research into “fantasy sexual outlets” for pedophiles.

Frighteningly, 4W reported, the website published a piece by a convicted sex offender that argued against sex-offender registries. 

Quest for Knowledge

As for ODU and its queer criminologist, the university said “the quest for knowledge … may involve controversial issues and perspectives,” it said. There followed Walker’s excuse for normalizing sexual perversion:

I want to be clear: child sexual abuse is morally wrong and inexcusable crime. As an assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice, the goal of my research is to prevent crime. My work is informed by my past experience and advocacy as a social worker counseling victims. I embarked on this research in hopes of gaining understanding of a group that, previously, has not been studied in order to identify ways to protect children.

Concluded ODU, “it is important to share that Old Dominion, as a caring and inclusive community, does not endorse or promote crimes against children or any form of criminal activity.”

Not surprisingly, the “queer criminologist’s” Twitter page is closed:

H/T: Fox News, the Post Millennial