We see dimly in the Present what is small and what is great,
Slow of faith how weak an arm may turn the iron helm of fate,
But the soul is still oracular; amid the market’s din,
List the ominous stern whisper from the Delphic cave within —
“They enslave their children’s children who make compromise with sin.”
— James Russell Lowell, The Present Crisis, 1845
Millions of children today are sex slaves. Helpless, hopeless prisoners, they are treated as sexual chattel to gratify the despicable cravings of perverts. They are enslaved because of modern “enlightened” society’s “compromise with sin.” The breakout film Sound of Freedom starring Jim Caviezel has opened the eyes of a vast audience to the mind-numbing scope of this criminal assault on the most innocent and vulnerable members of our human family.
In a single year, as the film informs, more than 22 million new images of child pornography were posted to the internet — an increase of 5,000 percent over the past five years. The child slave trade has passed the illegal-arms trade and will soon pass the drug trade. Caviezel notes that a bag of cocaine can be sold one time, but a child can be sold five to 10 times a day.
When I recited the stanza above from Lowell’s Present Crisis to the late, great Dr. Judith Reisman many years ago, she exclaimed: “That’s it exactly. ‘They enslave their children’s children who make compromise with sin.’ We have allowed the ‘new morality’ of Alfred Kinsey and his sexology brigade to permeate our culture, and our children’s children are paying a terrible price for it. They are being enslaved. I’m going to use that Lowell quote if you don’t mind.” Of course, I didn’t mind at all.
Daring to Expose the Acclaimed “Sex Expert”
Dr. Reisman (1935-2021) was one of the great heroines of our age. I was privileged to have counted her as a colleague and friend and to have spent many hours with her in conversation and sharing research when we were nearby neighbors in Sacramento. If more good people had heeded the research and warnings of this indefatigable warrior for truth and decency, the abomination of child sex trafficking would not be the colossal plague it is today. Judith was a giant killer. This charming, diminutive but determined mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother not only took on Alfred Kinsey, “the father of the sexual revolution,” but the entire “sexual liberation” industrial complex: Big Media, Big Academia, Big Government, Big Foundations, Big Pharma, Big Hollywood, and Big Porn.
The impetus for what became Dr. Reisman’s crusade began in 1966 with the rape of her young daughter by a neighbor boy. In attempting to understand and come to grips with that horrible trauma, she kept running into the claims that, well, these things happen because children are “sexual from birth.” Everybody is supposed to know that basic truth. After all, it was proven “scientifically” by Professor Alfred Kinsey. Ask any college freshman!
But Judith Reisman dared to expose the obvious problem with the emperor’s new clothes. How, precisely, she asked, did Kinsey arrive at this new “sexual from birth” dogma? And why had no one else asked this basic question? What she discovered was nothing less than astounding. In his Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, the 1948 book that changed the world, Kinsey inadvertently indicts himself with evidence that he had knowingly aided and abetted the most horrific child sex abuse imaginable. Consider, for instance, the notorious Table 34, entitled, “Examples of multiple orgasms in pre-adolescent males,” which appeared in his celebrated book. A child molester with a stopwatch abused baby boys, some less than a year old. The “experiment” supposedly demonstrated that babies in the crib could achieve sexual climax many times in an hour. An 11-month-old baby purportedly had ten orgasms in an hour. Another infant had 14 climaxes in 38 minutes. One baby boy was only two months old. Two months!
Predators in Lab Coats
Kinsey’s book acknowledges that the babies’ responses to this pedophile “stimulation” included “violent convulsions of the whole body; heavy breathing, groaning, sobbing, or more violent cries, sometimes with an abundance of tears.” Any reasonable, decent human being would recognize that these were responses of pain and terror. But Kinsey preferred to see them as erotic responses from the children. James Jones, a Kinsey biographer (and admirer), in an interview for the 1998 British documentary Kinsey’s Pedophiles, says, “Kinsey in that chapter himself gives pretty graphic descriptions of their response to what he calls sexual stimulation. If you read those words, what he’s talking about is kids who are screaming. Kids who are protesting in every way they can the fact that their bodies or their persons are being violated.” How many kids? According to Kinsey, 1,888 infants and young boys.
This was child rape. This was child torture. This was criminal. This was monstrous! So, who were the “trained observers” who carried out these atrocities in the name of science? Kinsey and his Institute have tried to keep this dirty secret locked up. But it leaked out that one of his primary sources was sex fiend Rex King, a U.S. federal government land surveyor, whose identity Kinsey typically concealed as “Mr. X” or “Mr. Green.”
According to Kinsey associate Paul Gebhard, who succeeded Kinsey as director of the Institute, Rex King was a notorious pervert, but his “research” was critical to Kinsey’s “scientific” pursuits. According to Gebhard, “[King] had sex with men, women, children and animals…. It was illegal and we knew it was illegal and that’s why a lot of people are furious…. They say we should have turned him in instantly…. If we had turned him in it would have been the end of our research project.”
Oh dear, what a quandary for the Kinsey cabal: Can we allow ethical squeamishness (about using pedophiles to torture children) to interfere with our precious research? If we do the right thing, might not we ourselves be arrested for participating in criminal activity?
Recruiting Convicted Child Abusers
Yes, Kinsey and his gang of predatory perverts should have been arrested — and tried, convicted, and imprisoned — not glorified and promoted as paragons of scientific inquiry. Turns out Rex King was not the only child rapist involved with Team Kinsey. When Paul Gebhard was asked by the interviewer for Kinsey’s Pedophiles how Kinsey was able to contact pedophiles, Gebhard responded, “That was rather easy. We got them in prisons, a lot of them…. We’d go after them.”
So, Kinsey used pedophiles, including convicted child molesters in prisons, to stake his claim that children “are sexual from birth,” a claim that would provide the basis for ongoing efforts to undermine taboos and laws against incest, child pornography, and adult-child sex. But there is good reason to believe that Kinsey himself participated directly in the child abuse. In his interview for Kinsey’s Pedophiles, Clarence Tripp, Kinsey’s sexology photographer (and sex partner) suggested, without explicitly confirming, Kinsey’s personal involvement. “He wanted to see everything,” Tripp said of Kinsey. “This is a hands-on scientist…. He had to see it to truly believe it.” Doctor Tripp, who worked with Kinsey until Kinsey’s death in 1956, would go on to become one of the most influential homosexual activists in America. Like Rex King, Tripp was an uninhibited sexual omnivore. He graphically described his own perverse sexual activity with dogs. He also unabashedly told the interviewers that he “got hold of a young German boy prostitute … who I photographed with one of the younger ones.” He doesn’t specify the ages of these boys he recruited for child-on-child sex, but it was clearly immoral and illegal. “This would probably be the epitome of child corruption in Reisman’s mind,” Tripp derisively remarked.
Like Kinsey, Tripp was unburdened with moral qualms. “Paedophilia is an almost non-existent kind of crime,” Tripp insisted. “For instance they use words like child molestation. What is that? Nobody knows.” What about monsters such as Rex King who molested hundreds of children? “I hesitate to even call him a paedophile,” Tripp averred. Of course, you find none of this when you go to the New York Times obituaries for Kinsey or Tripp. Ditto for their Wikipedia entries.
Von Ballusek: Monsters R Us
It gets even worse. Kinsey the Liberator, it turns out, was a longstanding collaborator with one of the world’s most vicious child rapists, Germany’s Dr. Friedrich “Fritz” von Balluseck. Dr. Reisman writes, “Like Kinsey, fascist scientists in Germany believed that they had a right to experiment on anyone. Dr. von Balluseck was an incest offender who raped and sodomized not only his own offspring, but Jewish, Polish, and German children as well, from roughly 1927 to 1957.” Hitler’s regime placed von Balluseck in charge of the Polish town of Jedrzejow, where he sexually violated “over 100” (and perhaps several hundred) children, some of whom he is suspected of murdering. His 1957 trial in Germany for child sex abuse and child murder brought out that he was working closely with Kinsey, with whom he shared his sex “research.” Von Balluseck kept meticulous notes on his sordid crimes and Kinsey encouraged him to keep up his work. Kinsey refused to provide the FBI with evidence of von Balluseck’s crimes, and even wrote to warn von Balluseck to “watch out” so that he wouldn’t be caught.
Von Balluseck’s trial caused a sensation in the German and European press, but was completely ignored by the American media. Why? Well, because Kinsey, who was at the height of his fame, had just died months before and his revered legacy must be protected at all costs! Commenting on the experiments recorded in volumes found in von Balluseck’s desk, Judge Heinrich Berger, the presiding judge, expressed the outrage of many when he exclaimed, “This is no longer human! What was this all for? To tell Kinsey about?”
Thanks to Judith Reisman, the insidious Kinsey-Balluseck connection has not been totally buried. But why did no one else see the Kinsey/pedophile elephant in the room hiding in plain sight? Why did it take Judith Reisman’s relentless, dogged research to pry out this damnable evidence? Reisman brought the truth about this horrendous abuse by Kinsey and his associates to the world in her books, articles, lectures, and interviews, and in the documentaries, The Children of Table 34, The Kinsey Syndrome, Secret History: Kinsey’s Paedophiles, The Kinsey Coverup, and Scientific Study of Sexuality in America.
Kinsey’s Elite Abettors
Alfred Kinsey’s pederastic proclivities and practices have been revealed in his own journals and in the writings and interviews with his team of sexologists at Indiana University, where he established the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Male was followed up five years later (1953) with Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. The major media served as enthusiastic hagiographers, billing Kinsey as the enlightened scientist who would free prudish, puritanical humanity from unhealthy sexual hangups. They falsely presented the bow-tied, Midwestern entomologist as a conservative family man who was simply following the “science.” Nothing could have been further from the truth. He was a bisexual, a pedophile, a sadomasochist, and a sex addict with a pathological obsession to manipulate, abuse, and tyrannize his wife, his children, his colleagues, and his employees. He insisted on taking detailed, invasive “sex interviews” and “sex histories” with all of his Institute staff, and pressured many college students and faculty to submit to the same humiliating process. He went further, pressuring many colleagues to be filmed (in his attic) engaged in various sexual practices (with himself and others). He did this, apparently, not only to satisfy his own prurient interests, but also for blackmail purposes to insure against any of his co-conspirators revealing his immoral and illegal activities, as well as his thoroughly fraudulent “science.” Kinsey was a radical pansexualist. He believed that anything and everything sexual — even bestiality and incest — should be not only permitted but encouraged and promoted. No sexual vice was too wicked for him, no degeneracy was beyond the pale.
According to Wardell Pomeroy, Kinsey’s close associate (and one of his homosexual partners), Kinsey had a “grand scheme” in which sexualized images (i.e. pornography) would facilitate his dream of moving American society from its traditional moral standard based on marriage to one predicated on “free love.”
Kinsey’s two books and the tsunami of media huzzahs that accompanied them hit the world like a Category 5 cyclone, upending moral codes, taboos, laws, traditions, and attitudes that are the bedrock of civilized society. But Kinsey was careful to hide his extreme libertine agenda under the pretense of being a neutral scientist who was dispassionately, maturely, and objectively uncovering and cataloging the true state of America’s sexuality.
In addition to Kinsey’s own blackmailing precautions to protect his reputation and his institute from exposure, the Indiana sex guru knew he could count on friends in high places to keep his dirty secrets under wraps. The “watchdogs” of the press were his dutiful lapdogs. The Rockefeller Foundation and the National Research Council showered him with money. The American Law Institute (ALI) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), with funding from the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, brought out the Model Penal Code of 1955 to “reform” American laws regarding sexual crimes. Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy, Kinsey’s authorized biographer, observes that “The American Law Institute’s Model Penal Code of 1955 is virtually a Kinsey document…. At one point Kinsey is cited six times in twelve pages.” Most of our states have drawn heavily from the Kinseyite Model Penal Code to revise (or abolish) their laws against pederasty, sodomy, bestiality, pornography, rape, incest, prostitution, fornication, nudism, seduction, exposure, lewd cohabitation, adultery, abortion, and more. Radical lawyer-activist Morris Ernst, an ACLU board member who defended Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute (as well as Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger), is credited for getting Kinsey’s work into the sympathetic hands of Supreme Court Justices Louis Brandeis, William J. Brennan, and Felix Frankfurter, as well as Judge Learned Hand and other members of the bench with whom he had cordial ties. The enormity of Kinsey’s impact on our laws is difficult to exaggerate. In her second edition of Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences (2000), Dr. Reisman noted that the Westlaw database for legal cases and law review journals, together with the Social Science Citation Index “yields a total of approximately 5,796” citations of Kinsey. And that doesn’t count all of the additional citations of Herbert Wechsler, chief author of the Model Penal Code, and the many other legal “experts” who relied on Kinsey’s arguments.
Hefner: Kinsey’s “Pamphleteer”
Hugh Hefner published his first issue of Playboy magazine in December 1953, the same year that Kinsey brought out Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. He claimed that Kinsey’s Human Male had changed his life and inspired him to become Kinsey’s “pamphleteer.” He also became a major funder of Kinsey’s “research.” The same media that portrayed Kinsey as a staid, middle-class scientist promoted porn-king Hefner as an urbane, fun-loving bon vivant. His airbrushed nude “bunnies,” we were told, provided innocent sensate pleasure to accompany “serious” intellectual articles for the sophisticated gentleman. After more than a decade of prepping by Kinsey and Hefner, America in the 1960s was sufficiently softened up for the next round on the liberation agenda: Bob Guccione’s raunchier Penthouse magazine. Then, in the 1970s, along came Larry Flynt’s even-cruder Hustler. While all of these were marketed as “men’s magazines,” they all promoted, as Dr. Reisman showed, a definite Kinseyite program of mainstreaming perversion, with particular focus on normalizing incest and child-adult sex. In 1990, the U.S. Department of Justice published an extensive report prepared by Dr. Reisman for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, titled “Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler.” Over the course of three decades these magazines had displayed thousands of pictures and cartoons that implied endorsement of this deviant, criminal behavior. They were grooming the groomers who have gone on to groom and violate millions of children.
Kinsey, Penthouse, SIECUS, UNESCO
Dr. Wardell Pomeroy, Kinsey’s co-author, was a board member of Guccione’s Penthouse Forum and, along with Kinsey, Gebhard, and other Kinsey Institute fellows, was cited by the U.S. Department of Defense in its decision to recommend acceptance of homosexuals in the military services. Pomeroy was also an original official of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) which was launched at the Kinsey Institute in 1964 and now distributes Kinseyite “sex education” curricula to thousands of elementary and secondary schools. We are currently in the third and fourth generations of this subversive saturation grooming of our children. With huge financial support taken from federal, state, and local taxpayers, the Kinsey/SIECUS cabal is marinating tens of millions of American school kids in propaganda that promotes promiscuity, perversion, and radical gender ideology. Worse still, they have taken their poison global and are spreading it through UNESCO and the World Health Organization.
In 2004, Searchlight Pictures (a division of Disney) brought out Kinsey, a biopic starring Liam Neeson. Bill Condon, the militant homosexual who wrote and directed the film, ignored all of the enormous evidence of fraud, degeneracy, and criminality of Kinsey and his collaborators. Not surprisingly, the film glorifies Kinsey as a heroic soul who overcame his father’s rigid Christian prudery to sexually liberate not only himself but all of humanity.
Actress Laura Linney, who played Mrs. Kinsey in film, has said, “Any sort of sexual education that anybody has had in the past 50 years came right from the [Kinsey] Institute…. When Kinsey published that information, he changed our culture completely.” That is very true. Although Linney undoubtedly meant her statement as a compliment, for those who truthfully survey the devastation Kinsey has caused, her endorsement is a ringing indictment. And our compromises with Kinsey’s sins are indeed enslaving our children’s children, as the child sex-trafficking plague so clearly demonstrates.
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Fighting the Kinsey Fraud: An Interview With Judith Reisman
Sound of Freedom Disrupts the Sounds of Silence
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Exposing Sick Roots of “Sex Ed” – Kinsey, CIA & Child Abuse (video interview with Dr. Judith Reisman)
Morality Meltdown: The Culture War Waged by America’s Liberal Elite
Why The Deep State is Sexualizing Kids
Sex Education for Five-year-olds — Pushed by Pedophiles
The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia
From Homosexual Marriage to Bestiality
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