Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Have intellectual and moral integrity declined to a point in America where people will say anything, no matter how absurd, as long as it’s “woke”? A good indication the answer is “yes” is the June 6 edition of The 11th Hour with Brian Williams, on which the following words were heard:

“Who is Antifa? They stormed the beaches of Normandy, parachuted into the French countryside, and gave their lives to face down and fight back against fascism.”

Got that? Our fathers and grandfathers who lost limb and sometimes life in WWII were just like the puerile, pasty-faced, privileged children who wear masks as they commit crimes, riot, and destroy property in the name of overthrowing our entire American system.  

The Antifa apologia the fabulist Williams gave air time to was courtesy of the quite odious anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project; it was in a video the latter created and that Williams played at his show’s conclusion. It was so shocking that American Thinker editor-in-chief Thomas Lifson said he was “speechless” while the Right Scoop’s Fred T similar stated, “I don’t know if I have the words to express to you my horror and disgust at seeing this clip.”

Fred continues:

It is tantamount to blasphemous, a betrayal of true heroes, sullying and dirtying their memory for a quick adrenaline rush of snotty, nasty, smug needling. It uses the DEATHS of Allied forces fighting to save the world from a murderous, genocidal dictator waging a rampaging campaign of horror across the face of the earth as a PROP to try and “get MAGA’s goat” or needle Trump and Trump supporters.

Brian Williams licks it right off the Lincoln Project’s bloody boots like the mewling little overprivileged whelp he is . None of the people at Lincoln Project served their country. Brian Williams never fought in any war, though he’s probably told people he has.

My father, the toughest man I ever met, was captured in battle in Europe after D-Day and remained a prisoner of war in Germany until the great conflict concluded in 1945. He would go on to vote for Senator Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) in the 1964 presidential contest and later gave President Ronald Reagan two votes (that is, over the course of two elections; my dad wasn’t a Democrat). And he would have been the first to tell you that he and his intrepid brothers-in-arms were nothing like Antifa.

In fact, it would be closer to the truth to say they were fighting Antifa — except that the Nazis and Italian fascists actually had the guts to show their faces when they, like Antifa, rioted and used violence to achieve political ends.

It is simply a fact that Antifa uses fascist tactics to advance its goals and that it was party to many of the past year’s 600-plus nation-rending riots. It’s also a fact that most people, Brian Williams and the Lincoln Project poltroons likely among them, have no idea what “fascism” actually is.

It is, of course, an ideology that yields big government (just as Antifa’s agenda would). Consider here that fascism’s main founding father, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, defined the ideology thus: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

Symbolism is shared, too: Black was the color of the Italian fascists (the “Blackshirts”), and that’s also how Antifa dresses. Interestingly, bloody and brutal Islamic State jihadists would as well tend to wear black. It has long been the color of villainy.

In fairness, Antifa departs from true fascism in a very significant way: The latter never actually had a racial agenda. As Mussolini once put it, “National unity has no need of the delirium of race.” In contrast, Antifa plays the race card and upon our age’s anti-white spirit.

Yet liars are going to lie, and corrupt people will corrupt even news and history if given the chance. And the deeper story here is that today they increasingly are given that chance.

Consider Williams: He was suspended from NBC Nightly News in 2015 after telling the lie that his helicopter was forced down by enemy fire over Iraq in 2003 (my, he’s almost as brave as an Antifa fascist fighter!). He later was “demoted” to MSNBC.

The Lincoln Project had a more recent and far worse scandal: Co-founder John Weaver was forced to resign earlier this year after being accused of sexual harassment by more than 20 men and at least a couple of minors.  

So proving again that being a liberal today means never having to say you’re sorry, Williams is still on the air and the Lincoln Project is still given air time. And putting aside the “ist” labels, thrown around oh-so haphazardly, what really does unite the Italian fascists, Nazis, Antifa, Williams, and the Lincoln Project types is this:

They’re all morally corrupt people who tarnish whatever they touch.

Thus do we now have a disgraced anchor citing a disgraced group and disgracing the names of men whose shoes they aren’t fit to shine.