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As Western civilization’s cold civil war heats up, “conservatives” finally appear to be ceasing to be conservative, as in defensive. Last week we heard about a school guidance in England that dials back the “trans” agenda and how Oklahoma schools are nixing DEI and drag queens and welcoming religion. Now, this week, comes a similar story from perhaps the least likely place.

The place is Huntington Beach — in California — and the move is bold. Vowing to be “free of any identity politics and political agendas,” the municipality’s government has eliminated “Pride,” black history, and women’s history months, and more.

As California City News (CCN) reports, “The Huntington Beach City Council voted Tuesday [12/19] to repeal and rescind the city’s celebration of Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Pride Month, and other months recognizing diversity and heritage” (read: other months encouraging division and balkanization).

“Instead, the city council will adopt a new 12-month celebratory history schedule developed by a panel of appointed members,” CCN continues. “The new agenda would ‘be free of any identity politics and political agendas,’ according to a city staff report.”

“‘I’ve been amazed to learn just how much of our rich history I was unaware of,’ said Councilman Casey McKeon from the dais on Tuesday night,” commenting on the history schedule, relates Voice of OC. “‘We wanted to focus on 12 themes a year instead of dozens to help city staff get on the same page.’”

Not surprisingly, the 12/19 vote was along party lines, with the council’s Republicans voting for the Americanism-oriented changes and its Democrats saying no — and getting negative.

For example, State Senator Dave Min, who was convicted of drunk driving earlier this year, called the 12-month schedule “a whitewashed revisionist history” on X. You can be the judge as to whether this is true, however. Here’s a sampling of the monthly themes from the city council’s report:

  • “January — ‘Founders’ Legacy — Celebrating Huntington Beach’s Origins’….”
  • “February — ‘The Revolutionary and Civil War’….”
  • “March – ‘California’s History’ — Before statehood to now and what it means to be a Charter City in California.”
  • “April — ‘Rails and Waves — Tracing the History of Huntington Beach’s Railroad’….”
  • “May — ‘The Bill of Rights’ — Learning and highlighting the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution….”
  • “June — ‘History of Independence Day and What It Means Today’….”

“Whitewashed revisionist history”? Some may wonder if Senator Min, who apparently doesn’t take thinking to the max, is Tweeting Under the Influence, too. After all, the above is simply what children, prior to political correctness’ spawning, typically learned about history: unitive, pride-inducing, fact-dense information about one’s country, culture, and locale. This is called “normal.”

But Min’s was not the only fevered woke reaction. “‘I was thunderstruck when I received a copy of the current agenda,’ said Kathie Schey, who’s chair of the Historic Resources Board,” The Messenger informs. “‘God knows I’m all about celebrating history, but this is just peculiar.’”

Yes, what’s odder than learning about the Bill of Rights and Revolutionary War? (And I’m not sure “God knows” what she thinks He knows.)

“Schey resigned her position during the meeting,” The Messenger added.

How badly she’ll be missed or if Huntington Beach can continue functioning without her sage counsel and level head was not reported.

As for Min, he also called the Americanism at issue “disgraceful,” in his tweet (below).

Min’s “Big Oil” comment references November’s theme, “Black Gold Jubilee: Honoring the Discovery of Oil.” While this may seem random, what the senator and other establishment sources don’t mention is that a 1920 discovery of oil under Huntington Beach had a profound transformative effect upon the area.

But Min’s and Schey’s remarks reflect the pseudo-elite; the street, however, may take a different view.

“Celebrate SHARED AMERICAN values, NOT things that make us DIFFERENT!” opined respondent Bill Voda in the MSN.com’s Messenger piece comments section. “ASSIMILATION is the goal!!”

“People are starting to realize that what the progressives are pushing and calling ‘Diversity’ & ‘Equity’ is really creating more ‘Division’!” added “Snow Bird.” “There is no diversity or equality about having one month every year celebrating a single race! This only divides the races.”

Speaking of division, perhaps noting its cause is instructive. “Tuesday’s decision isn’t the only one to stir ire over the years,” The Messenger further reports. “Its new flag policy bans the LGBTQ Pride flag, it banned Covid-19 vaccine and mask mandates, it disbanded the city’s Human Relations committee, it’s adopting a Declaration of Policy on Human Dignity that calls for separate biological sexes for certain sports and it’s trying to restrict certain library books for children.”

Consider the bias reflected above. What, or who, has really stirred the “ire”? It takes two to tango: There would be no political/cultural “division” if one side or more — either or any side — agreed with the other(s). So why is the onus for creating “division” always put on just one side, the conservative/traditionalist group?

In point of fact, wasn’t the “ire” created long ago when the cultural devolutionaries began engaging in culture rape? We had a status quo. So who’s morally responsible for any division, those trying to overthrow it or those merely defending it? Who’s responsible for a raging fire, those trying to douse it or the arsonists?

Answer: The responsible party is that which opposes Truth.

With their control of culture-shapers such as media and entertainment, leftists are very adept at making some relatively new innovation appear a status quo and defense of the actual status quo appear an attack upon the good — even when they’re dead wrong and deathly dangerous.