Is New Twist in Josh Kruger Murder a Reflection of Dems’ “Pedo Problem”?
Josh Kruger (left)

It’s a murder-case twist that may shock you — that is, unless you believe, as two commentators put it last year, that leftists “have a pedophilia problem.” And if so, new revelations about the killing of homosexual journalist Josh Kruger may seem entirely intuitive.

Pundit Olivia Murray introduces the story, writing, “As if the Democrat’s [sic] flamboyant plaudits for men like Ed Buck, Harvey Milk, and Scott Wiener didn’t tell you enough about what the contemporary party has become, and the character of the people who champion its causes, now we can seemingly add Josh Kruger to the mix.”

“If you recall, Kruger was the journalist recently murdered in Philadelphia, a case which drew national attention; he self-identified as HIV+, frequently wrote about “LGBTQ+ issues” and his own “experiences with homelessness and addiction,” and his X feed relentlessly mocked Republican and conservative Americans as immoral and troglodytic,” Murray continues.

Arrested for the murder was a 19-year-old named Robert Davis, a black man who police initially said was being helped by Kruger to “get through life.” So the case might’ve seemed reminiscent of that of 75-year-old Thomas Oakland, an ex-college professor killed in 2015 by a black ex-con he was aiding financially. Except that now there’s this, reported by Philadelphia magazine:

Shortly after police named Davis as the suspect, rumblings began to emerge that there was more to the story of Kruger’s connection to Davis. Earlier this week, a source familiar with details of the investigation into Kruger’s murder told me [Philadelphia reporter Victor Fiorillo] that police had accessed Kruger’s cell phone and found “troubling” messages between the two.

And now, the family of Davis has come forward with alarming allegations against Kruger. Inquirer crime reporter Ellie Rushing landed a feature on Wednesday in which Davis’s mother and brother claim that Kruger’s relationship with Davis began when Davis was just 15 and that the relationship included sex and drugs. They also said Davis told them that Kruger had threatened to post sexually explicit videos of him online. Rushing reports that investigators found “disturbing” images and messages on Kruger’s phone. That content is now in the hands of the Special Victims Unit.

“I’m hoping to God that there is no truth to this,” Kruger’s brother Zachary told me on Thursday morning. “But what has become clear to us is that Josh was in a bad place. We’re just not sure how bad of a place. I went through his house after police called me. And there are certain things I found that make it clear there were problems with Josh.”

Zachary said he discovered drug paraphernalia in his brother’s place, and the police revealed that they found methamphetamines in Kruger’s bedroom. “It wouldn’t surprise me if he was dealing,” Zachary said.

It likely wouldn’t surprise Davis’ family, either. They state that Kruger, to put it bluntly and quote journalist Andy Ngo, “groomed their son for sex starting when he was 15, & got him addicted to intravenous drugs & meth. Kruger was working at the Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services during the time he allegedly met the boy.”

Equally blunt is Murray. “Well[,] imagine that, the gay man who shamelessly aligned himself with the modern Democrat party that proudly stumps on the sexualization of children was apparently personally sexualizing a vulnerable child, plying him with drugs, and blackmailing him with private photos,” she writes.

The allegations against Kruger are wholly unsurprising. In fact, as I illustrated in the 2017 piece “Why Almost All the Sex Scandals Involve Liberals,” leftists vastly outnumber rightists in the sex-depravity department.

My article includes a 61-person short list of leftists who had been caught up in sex scandals. American Thinker editor Thomas Lifson noted about them, “13 were involved in some form of pedophilia … from kiddy porn to child sexual molestation … over 20%. What a great movement, that progressivism!”

This exclamation doesn’t just reflect mere partisanship. As commentators Todd and Erik Gregory wrote last year in “The Democrats have a pedo problem,” “Empirically and factually, an overwhelming majority of public figures who are confirmed and aspiring pedophiles (along with pedo-friendly corporations like Disney) are progressive Democrats in terms of political orientation.”

Leftists’ prurient leanings likely help explain, mind you, why the #MeToo movement fizzled: By my calculations, approximately 90 percent of those implicated by it were liberals (list here). The Left didn’t anticipate this and wouldn’t proceed with an agenda that was taking down their own.

And what explains leftists’ sexual problems? While I often write about the “relativism” of the Left, today I’ll keep it simple and relate the insight I had into this matter as a young, 20-something man: People embrace liberalism to justify their own misdeeds.

Think about leftism’s message: You’re not responsible for what you do (e.g., kid-glove “justice”), you don’t have to pay for what you get (e.g., government handouts), it can’t be wrong if it’s consensual (e.g., sexual perversion). The only homage you must pay is to bow at wokeness’ altar. But that’s fine because it’s actual morality leftists want a dispensation from — not faux “morality.”

This brings us to how leftists such as Kruger can call their political opponents “immoral” while indulging in egregious immorality privately — and it goes far beyond hypocrisy. Since they’re disconnected from Truth, are imbued with moral relativism and thus generally make their feelings the arbiters of behavior, they make everything relative to themselves. They therefore put themselves in place of God, where their will supplants His. Put simply, this means anything they like is “moral”; anything they detest is “wrong.”

And this is how you reach a point where conference attendees will discuss “children’s liberation” for sex work. Yes, that did just happen — and it was leftists’ handiwork, too.