Ken Ham Reclaims Rainbow at Ark Exhibit

“The rainbow itself wasn’t designed to be a symbol of freedom, love, pride or the LGBTQ movement. God created this beautiful, colorful phenomenon and designated it as a sign of His covenant with Noah and his descendants forever,” said Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, in 2016. He announced this week that accordingly, the Ark Encounter exhibit he created in Kentucky will be lit up each night in rainbow colors.

“Sadly, people ignore what God intended the rainbow to represent and proudly wave rainbow-colored flags in defiance of God’s command and design for marriage,” Ham added. “Because of this, many Christians shy away from using the rainbow colors. But the rainbow was a symbol of God’s promises before the LGBTQ movement — and will continue to be after that movement has ended. As Christians, we need to take the rainbow back and teach our young people its true meaning.”

The Ark Encounter is a reproduction of the biblical Noah’s Ark, using the dimensions described in the Bible: it is 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high.

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“The rainbow is a reminder that God will never again judge the wickedness of man with a global flood,” Ham explained. “Christians need to take back the rainbow as we do @ArkEncounter — God owns it — He decreed it’s a sign of His covenant with man after the flood.”

Genesis quotes God telling Noah and his family, “This [the rainbow] is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.”

Predictably, Ham’s decision to bathe the Ark in rainbow colors did not set well with some. Several Twitter responses were unprintable. One person asked Ham, “Prior to the flood, do you believe light behaved differently as it passed through water droplets?”

Other tweets praised Ham’s action. For example, one said, “I love it! Thank you for taking back the Rainbow for God’s glory.”

The use of the rainbow for the homosexual rights movement has been traced back to the late ’70s, when “gay” activist Gilbert Baker made a rainbow flag, intended as a symbol for the movement. Baker lived in San Francisco and was a friend of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk. A biography of Milk claims that Milk, who was a homosexual activist himself, even had sexual relationships with young boys. It was Milk who first discussed with Baker the idea of a symbol for the movement.

Baker told the U.K. Independent, “In 1978, when I thought of creating a flag for the ‘gay’ movement there was no other international symbol for us than the pink triangle, which the Nazis used to identify homosexuals in concentration camps. Even though the pink triangle was and still is a powerful symbol, it was very much forced upon us. I almost instantly thought of using the rainbow. To me, it was the only thing that could really express our diversity, beauty and our joy. I was astounded nobody had thought of making a rainbow flag before because it seemed like such an obvious symbol for us.”

But, it was already given as a symbol in the Bible of God’s covenant with man not to destroy the earth again with a flood.

It is not the first time that symbols and words have been recast from their original meaning. The very word “gay,” of course, used to mean bright and cheerful; however, since the homosexual movement claimed the word for themselves, it is difficult for a person to use the word today in its original sense without risking being misunderstood.

Another symbol used by Christians — the cross — is often used by non-believers as jewelry, and the violent Ku Klux Klan misused it by burning crosses on lawns of people they did not like. The fish symbol is another Christian emblem that is often mocked by evolutionists in response to Christians using the symbol on their cars. For example, one can often see the symbol modified into a dinosaur, often with the word “Darwin” included.

Of course, Christians are a group that some secular “liberals” believe it is politically correct to mock. Then again, the very word “liberal” was stolen by progressives and socialists for political cover. Originally, “liberal” meant a person who believed in liberty, but after the term “progressive” became so unpopular in the 1920s, the statist progressives began to call themselves liberals instead.

Photo of Ark Encounter lit at night with a rainbow: Facebook