Franklin Graham’s Description of Opposition to Trump as “Demonic” Disturbs Some

In an article in The Atlantic on November 25, writer Pete Wehner took issue with recent statements made by evangelist Franklin Graham and talk show host Eric Metaxas, both of whom described the relentless opposition to President Trump as “demonic.” Wehner complained, “It isn’t enough for Franklin Graham and Eric Metaxas, two prominent figures within the American evangelical movement, to lavish praise on President Donald Trump. They have now decided they must try to demonize his critics.” 

Wehner criticized Graham and Metaxas for making “theologically distorted and confused charges,” perhaps failing to take into consideration that the standard by which the two men evaluated Trump’s opponents might be “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”

When Metaxas asked Graham, who was a guest on his November 21 program, for his take on the current political turmoil and vehement opposition to President Trump. “It’s a very bizarre situation to be living in a country where some people seem to exist to undermine the president of the United States,” Metaxas said. “It’s just a bizarre time for most Americans.”

Graham identified a sinister aspect of the political battle: “Well, I believe it’s almost a demonic power that is trying…”

“I would disagree,” Metaxas interupted. “It’s not almost demonic. You know and I know, at the heart, it’s a spiritual battle.”

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Graham concurred, and argued that the United States is enjoying prosperity owing to Trump’s policies.

“If you look at what the president, just for our country, regardless of whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, unemployment is at the lowest in 70 years,” Graham said. “More African-Americans are working, more Latinos are working, more Asians are working, more everybody are working. We have an economy that is just screaming forward. It’s incredible.” 

Graham, the son of the late prominent evangelist Billy Graham, is the president of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He appeared on the program of Metaxas primarily to discuss the Samaritan’s Purse project, which distributes boxes filled with basic necessities to needy children around the world at Christmas time.

Metaxas said that both he and Graham have been “vilified” for their support for Trump, whom they believe is held to an unreasonably high standard.

“It’s a bizarre situation that we’re in, that people seem only to have these standards for the president somehow,” Metaxas said.

 Photo: AP Images

Warren Mass has served The New American since its launch in 1985 in several capacities, including marketing, editing, and writing. Since retiring from the staff several years ago, he has been a regular contributor to the magazine. Warren writes from Texas and can be reached at


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