COVID “Relief” Being Distributed RACIALLY — and to Left-wing Activist Groups
Andrey Maximenko/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

If we’re going to print up dollars backed by nothing and degrade the currency pumping them into the economy, it would be nice if the money at least went to those who need it. Instead, COVID “relief” has been allocated using racial criteria — with whites being discriminated against — and has also been funneled to left-wing activist groups.

This is nothing new, mind you. Joe Biden’s ex-(and present?)boss Barack Obama had also transferred tax dollars to leftist entities, in his case using the State Department and DOJ as conduits.

This may be taken up a notch now, too, with the Democrats trying to ram a massive China-virus stimulus bill through government. Sounding the alarm about this is radio host Jason Rantz, of 770KTTH in Seattle. Citing examples from his state and others, he writes:

The Washington State Department of Commerce gave federal COVID relief tax dollars to nonprofits pursuing radical political agendas. Tax dollars even went to indirectly bail criminals out of jail.

The selection process for funding was based on race. And some of the vetting seems influenced more by ideology than by need.

The Department of Commerce, led by Lisa Brown, aimed to “distribute COVID relief funds equitably to the communities hardest hit by the pandemic.” But to qualify to the Washington Equity Relief Fund, a group of “reviewers” made sure the nonprofits were “led by and serving Black, Indigenous and people of color.”

In other words, if the nonprofit is run by majority white people or serve entire communities, it wouldn’t qualify for assistance. How equitable.

Should federal tax dollars go to political nonprofits, chosen by hand-selected “reviewers” who share the political beliefs of the very nonprofits they’re rewarding, all under the auspices of COVID relief? No.

Rantz discussed this Monday evening on Fox News show Tucker Carlson Tonight (video below).

Rantz mentions in his article that Washington nonprofits received $12 million in CARES act funds. The aforementioned reviewers (100 in number) distributing the money were also chosen based on race, with 95 percent identifying as racial “minorities.”

The kicker: Even though they were excluding white-run nonprofits under the pretext that they’re privileged, they had to “go through compulsory anti-bias’ training,” Rantz informs. “They were each paid $500.”

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Some of the CARES money went to entities we’d write off as frivolous, such as the Seattle World Percussion Society, which banked 25 grand. But then there’s “Collective Justice.” Part of the Public Defenders Association, it’s “a partisan, social justice group,” writes Rantz. “It actively lobbies [for] light-on-crime policies and is now being propped up by federal tax dollars.” It received $25,000 as well.

Terrorist-group-connected, anti-American, anti-Jewish CAIR (Council on American-Islamic relations) did even better — getting $50,000 — despite having a million-dollar budget.

Also receiving 50 grand was the Bail Project Spokane, which opposes cash bail and “has been responsible for paying the bail for criminals who commit high-profile crimes after release,” Rantz informs. The organization had a $15 million budget in 2019, do note.

The group’s activism has sometimes led to disaster, too. Just consider that hours after bailing out criminal Samuel Lee Scott in a St. Louis domestic assault case, “he was accused of beating his wife to death,” Rantz relates. “Local leaders with the Bail Project downplayed their role in releasing the accused murderer.”

Also cashing in to the tune of $50,000 was the “Climate Justice Initiative.” It can now use that money lobbying for green schemes that will drive up our energy prices and lead to more disasters such as the current Texas power outages (thus far responsible for more than a dozen deaths).

Rantz, who also discussed these issues recently on Varney & Co. (video below), further points out that this COVID cash-to-communism scheming isn’t unique to Washington State.

For instance, “The Oregon Cares Fund earmarked over $60 million to exclusively help Black Oregonians and Black-owned businesses,” Rantz writes. “The funding also came from the CARES Act. It now faces discrimination lawsuits.”

“In Denver, artists from marginalized communities were given priority to one-time grants funded by the CARES Act,” the radio host continues. “A similar program was announced in Boston. Federal funds doled out COVID financial support as ‘a beginning effort to address the historical disparity in support for BIPOC communities and arts.’”

Of course, art can uplift society. But if a given type isn’t attracting much private-sector funding, there may be a good reason why (just take a gander at much of today’s “art”). Moreover, should “relief” money go to non-essential endeavors? Will the government fund our hobbies and heart-passions, too?

Unfortunately, this is nothing new. Perhaps forgotten is a 2017 report finding that “the Obama Administration funneled billions of dollars to left-wing activist groups — such as the National Council of La Raza, National Urban League and National Community Reinvestment Coalition — through a slush fund scheme of the Department of Justice,” reported Daily Wire at the time.

The Obama crew also sent $8.8 million via the State Department to a George Soros-backed group to fund leftist activities overseas. The Esperanto-named Soros needed it I suppose — he’s only worth 8.8 billion.

In other words, the government impoverishes us with confiscatory taxation and then uses our money to fund illegal aliens; oppressive bureaucracies; and, to the point here, our civilization’s destruction.

But, hey, at least we got our $600 check from the pork barrel. Don’t spend it all in one place, citizen.