Recall Gascon Committee Has Enough Signatures
George Gascon

Officials with the Recall District Attorney George Gascon campaign announced on Wednesday that they now have enough signatures to put Gascon’s future in the hands of voters in November. They needed 567,857 valid signatures — 10 percent of registered voters in Los Angeles — to put the question before the voters. 

The tally was boosted by a last-minute surge of 30,000 signatures following the murder of two LA police officers — Michael Paredes and Joseph Santana — by one of Gascon’s criminals who was enjoying his freedom despite a long history of felonies. 

Justin Flores was in violation of his parole and was seeking to harm or kill his ex-wife, Diana, when the two officers confronted him at a motel where she was hiding. They exchanged gunfire, and Flores and the two officers died at the scene. 

The incident outraged Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who tweeted:

It is outrageous [that] the murderer was not in jail due to the reckless actions of George Gascon, a radical, soft-on-crime, Soros-backed DA.

Kurt Schlichter, an Army veteran with more than 450,000 followers on Twitter, was more direct: “Gascon flat out murdered those guys. Recall this piece of garbage.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, Flores had been prohibited from carrying a gun since 2011 but was free after pleading no contest last year to a charge of possessing a firearm. A conviction could have sent him to prison for three years for the violation, but instead Gascon was able to free him, counting the time Flores waited in jail as sufficient punishment. 

This is the same agenda that ended the career of San Francisco’s Soros-backed communist District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who was recalled last week in a special election. 

As The New American reported in May:

Almost immediately after taking office in December 2020, Gascón began to implement the same far-left liberal policies that got him in trouble as San Francisco’s DA: eliminating cash bail for certain offenses, not seeking the death penalty no matter how violent or outrageous the crime, reopening closed cases against LAPD officers, and “reevaluating” sentences for which the convict had already served time.

And the results were the same. In 2021, there were 52 percent more homicides and 59 percent more shootings than in 2019. LA has seen a 15-percent increase in violent crimes, while arrests decreased by more than 23 percent.

The recall committee’s website expanded on Gascon’s crimes against the citizens of Los Angeles:

As soon as he was sworn into office, District Attorney George Gascón began issuing directives to his prosecutors, instructing them to go soft on crime, coddle criminals, and trample upon the dignity and rights of crime victims.

To keep our communities safe, to mete out just punishment to those who break our laws, and to provide justice to crime victims throughout Los Angeles County, we must recall District Attorney George Gascón.

One of Gascon’s many citizen-victims is a woman and her eight-month-old baby, who were run down and nearly killed by a teenaged driver in a stolen vehicle. Gascon wanted to send the driver to “juvie camp” for a few months rather than charging him as an adult. 

In a “victim” statement, she said:

George Gascón doesn’t value my life or the life of my child, or any other victim out there and would rather reward the monsters … by demonstrating to them that their actions have no consequences. 

DA Gascón is telling him and every other thug in LA County that it doesn’t matter if you try to murder people. 

Why are Gascón’s policies prioritizing the livelihood of rotten monsters when my child, my baby, who is incapable of protecting himself, is left to fend for himself, and is essentially being told his life doesn’t matter?

The monsters have enjoyed the lifting of sanctions under Gascon’s policies, while others are urging their attorneys to speed up their trials to take advantage of Gascon’s leniency while he is still in office. 

Fox News journalist Bill Melugin tweeted last week:

In jailhouse audio we’ve obtained, Willie Wilkerson, a gang member charged with murder, says his attorney wants to hurry up and make a deal before LA DA @GeorgeGascon possibly gets recalled and “they bring back that [obscenity deleted] life without parole & death penalty.”

The committee to recall Gascon is continuing to gather additional signatures as “insurance” that they’ll have more than enough after validation to put Gascon’s future on the ballot in November. 

Their goal is 750,000 signatures. With Gascon continuing his soft-on-crime policies continuing to hurt and kill Los Angeles citizens, the committee should have no trouble not only in obtaining those signatures but also assuring that Los Angeles’ voters’ failed experiment with “woke” policies under Gascon will end in November. 

Related articles:

Angry Voters Boot Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s Far-left DA

Second Petition to Recall LA’s Progressive DA Has More Than 400,000 Signatures