Mainstream Media Using Florida Shooting to Stoke Fear and Advance Leftism

It’s understandable why some conclude that mainstream media, politicians, and other pseudo-elites just love “politically incorrect” murders. After all, in accordance with Democrat Rahm Emanuel’s counsel, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste,” such crimes are happily used by the establishment to advance their agenda. A case in point is the tragic, racially motivated Saturday killing of three black people at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida, by 21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter.

First we have Florida state Democratic lawmaker Angie Nixon, who blamed Governor Ron DeSantis’ anti-woke policies for the shooting, saying he has “blood on his hands.”

Kamala Harris weighed in, too, saying that while most Americans have much in common, “there are those who are intentionally trying to divide us as a nation.”

Then there’s Joe Biden. In a Washington Post editorial he allegedly penned, he wrote that we “must refuse to live in a country where Black families going to the store or Black students going to school live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin.”

Apparently, though, black people being gunned down for other reasons doesn’t warrant mention. After all, Biden wrote no op-ed about the literally thousands of other blacks who’ve been killed this year, 92 percent of them by other blacks.

But perhaps the best example of a bad example is USA Today, which writes that some black people are frightened they’ll be the next target of “haters” after the Jacksonville murders. That they’re scared is no surprise, either, with the mainstream media magnifying the rare white-on-black racial crimes and suppressing the black-on-white variety.

Just consider the USA Today story, whose three writers — Deborah Barfield Berry, Terry Collins, and Marc Ramirez — put their heads together and still couldn’t paint an accurate picture.

For example, they write that the Jacksonville shooting occurred shortly after the release of a new Tulane University study that “found mass shootings disproportionately target Black people and occur more often in U.S. cities with high Black populations, suggesting structural racism may be at play.”

Now, in truth, USA Today is correct: Mass shootings do disproportionately affect black people.

What the paper doesn’t say is that this is because mass shootings are disproportionately committed by blacks and usually occur in black neighborhoods!

As the left-wing New York Times itself reported in 2016, in cases where there are three or more gunfire victims, 75 percent of the shooters are black.

This is not surprising. Most of these shooting incidents, after all, are gangland affairs. People generally don’t know this, however, because since such crimes can’t be used to make political hay, they aren’t worth the politicians’ and media’s time. In contrast, media give wall-to-wall coverage to the rare, man-bites-dog, white-on-black killings.

USA Today also tells us that a “report this year by national civil rights group Leadership Conference Education Fund found the number of hate crimes has jumped 80% since 2015, with FBI data clearly illustrating that such crimes spike during presidential elections.”

Of course, “hate crime” levels can be manipulated based on how the term is defined and what incidents police decide to designate as such. Human Events points out, for example, that many entities inflate hate-crime numbers by conflating such transgressions with “shunning.” Yet, again, USA Today is lying by omission.

The reality is that according to Department of Justice (DOJ) statistics, blacks and not whites are disproportionately represented among hate-crime offenders. What’s more, left-wing outfit PolitiFact reported in 2021 that while hate crime dropped overall by seven percent between 2019 and 2020, anti-Asian hate crime increased 149 percent. And, again, a disproportionate number — if not most — of these incidents are committed by blacks.

In truth, white-on-black crime of any kind is exceedingly rare, as evidenced by the DOJ’s National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Here are the facts (2018 statistics presented):

  • Approximately 608,000 cases of black/white interracial violence occurred that year.
  • In these, the aggressors were black in 90 percent of the cases, white in 10 percent.
  • That a black person would attack a white person was 48 times as likely as the reverse.
  • Overall, non-whites were 6.8 times as likely to attack a white person as whites were to attack non-whites.

Now, question: If media widely disseminated these facts — and if they showcased black-on-white crimes the way they do white-on-black — would black Americans be as “frightened” of “white violence” as they currently are?

Of course, though, scared people are easier to control — and that’s the point. The Democratic Party’s electoral fortunes hinge on, in part, getting 90-plus percent of the black vote; losing even 30 percent of that support would threaten its power. And while (in fairness) the phenomenon has yet to materialize at election time in any significant way, black support for the party does seem to be waning. This is no surprise since the Democratic agenda — sexual devolutionary (“LGBTQ”) “rights” (aka privileges), “transgender” indoctrination in schools, open borders, abortion on demand, and Christophobia — don’t play well in the black community.

So the leftists must ensure their plantation remains intact. What better way to do this than play the race card, stoke hatred’s fires, and claim that only left-wing pseudo-elites can protect blacks from that “white supremacist” boogeyman?

Never mind that the Democrats were the party of slavery and the KKK. They’ll still take a page out of Democratic segregationist George Wallace’s campaign book and with a contemporary twist say, “I will never be out-honkeyed again.”