Honor-killing Suspect Caught. Biden Vow: I’m Bringing in More
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The FBI finally caught the Muslim suspected of honor-killing his daughters in Irving, Texas, 12 years ago. After more than 11 years on the Ten Most Wanted list, Yaser Abdel Said went to jail in August after agents found him hiding in Justin, Texas, a suburb of Fort Worth.

The angry Muslim shot both girls to death in 2008, police allege, then disappeared until August with the help of his son and his brother, whom the FBI also arrested.

Noted in The New American in 2009, the story flew under the radar until now. But it’s important because Democrat “President-elect” Joe Biden will likely become president on January 20, and he plans to flood the country with thousands of Third World “refugees” and “migrants” who will vote for Democrats.

If Biden gets his way, thousands more Yaser Abdel Saids will settle in the United States. And more women will die.

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The Murders
An Egyptian-born taxi driver, Said murdered daughters Sarah and Amina, 17 and 18, after terrorizing the two for years, police allege.

As the Dallas Morning News reported at the time, “friends said the sisters suffered quietly through a life controlled by their father, a life in which social interaction with their peers was forbidden. One friend said Mr. Said installed spy software on the home computer and plotted with a relative to tap the phone lines.”

Sarah wouldn’t give her address to her close friends, the newspaper reported, because her father would fly into a rage, particularly if he found out that her friends were young men.

She told one male friend that “he would kill me, I would be dead,” if he learned of that friendship, and so attached a woman’s name to the friend’s phone number in her cell phone.

Said also threatened her with a gun.

The mother and daughters fled the raging Muslim, the newspaper reported, but returned because the mother “felt guilty” for leaving.

The girls were in Said’s taxi because he was supposed to take them to dinner. “I’m dying, I’m dying, I’m dying,” Sarah told a 911 dispatcher. A man who approached the cab discovered their dead bodies.

Though the mother denied the murders were honor killings, the newspaper’s account suggests that is exactly what they were.

Said’s threats were sometimes “gun-waving rants about how Western culture was corrupting the chastity of his daughters,” and that “cultural differences — especially divisions over gender roles  — led to tension in the family.”

Another friend, this one a girl, told the newspaper that Said kicked Amina in the face and that she showed up to school covered with red welts. He beat her so badly her “lips were pretty attached to her braces.” 

“The abuse continued and threats intensified,” if that’s even possible:

“I remember her telling me that her dad told her he would take her back to Egypt and have her killed,” she said. “He said it’s OK to do that over there if you dishonor your family.”

Now, Said will pay up. On August 26, FBI agents arrested him and his son, Islam, and brother, Yassein. Agents nearly bagged Yaser Said in 2017. He escaped, but they finally tracked him to Justin, Texas, in August.

The son and brother face five years in prison for harboring a fugitive. Yaser Said might feel the chilling gush of pancuronium bromide.

Biden: Bring in More Saids
Between 2017 and 2019, government data show, the United States admitted more than 100,000 refugees from areas of the world where Islam is either the dominant or a major religion, which means the United States might have imported a significant number of future honor killers.

But for Joe Biden, nearly 35,000 refugees annually isn’t enough. He wants more.

He promises to “reassert America’s commitment to asylum-seekers and refugees,” and will end President Trump’s so-called Muslim bans.

“Prohibiting Muslims from entering the country is morally wrong, and there is no intelligence or evidence that suggests it makes our nation more secure,” Biden’s website says. 

It is yet another abuse of power by the Trump Administration designed to target primarily black and brown immigrants. Biden will immediately rescind the “Muslim bans.”

Biden plans to invite 125,000 refugees a year.

How many will murder their daughters for having the wrong friends is, of course, unknown.

A recent report about honor killings put the number in the United States at about 25, one every other week.

That figure will likely increase as Biden imports more Muslims.

H/T: VDare.com