Guatemalan Illegal-alien Rape Suspect Was Reported as a “Minor”

Two new revelations have surfaced about an illegal alien and the 10-year-old girl in Ohio he is charged with raping.

The Guatemalan suspect was reported to be a minor. The girl is a Mexican.

The outrageous crime and the girl’s subsequent abortion in Indiana became public when the abortionist who performed the procedure used it to denounce the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that reversed 1973’s unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision.

Rapist Confessed

Gerson Fuentes, 27, confessed to raping the little girl.

“Columbus police were made aware of the girl’s pregnancy through a referral by Franklin County Children Services that was made by her mother on June 22,” the Columbus Dispatch reported.… On June 30, the girl underwent a medical abortion in Indianapolis.”

But somehow the abortionist who told authorities about the crime reported the wrong age, Fox News reported.

“Dr. Caitlin Bernard reported that the alleged rapist was approximately 17-years-old in an official filing to the Indiana Department of Health,” the network reported.

Frighteningly, “the 10-year-old’s mother said her daughter was ‘fine’ and ‘everything they say about [Fuentes] is a lie’ when confronted Thursday by a Telemundo reporter.”

Early reports said abortionist Bernard did not report the abortion.

But Bernard’s attorney said she “took every appropriate and proper action in accordance with the law and both her medical and ethical training as a physician.” She also “followed all relevant policies, procedures and regulations in this case, just as she does every day to provide the best possible care for her patients.”

The attorney, who said Bernard did not break the law, threatened to sue “those who have smeared my client.”

As for the girl, “the documents show Bernard performed a non-surgical abortion for a 6-weeks pregnant 10-year-old girl of Mexican ethnicity.”