Feds: Chauvin, Fellow Officers Violated Floyd’s “Civil Rights”
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The Biden Regime Justice Department and a federal grand jury has a message for cops: Enforce the law, and you’ll be indicted for violating a thug’s “civil rights.”

In Minneapolis, Minnesota, that grand jury charged the four policemen involved in the death of George Floyd with violating his “civil rights” when he died in their custody on May 25 last year. 

Though Floyd succumbed to a fentanyl overdose and serious cardiovascular problems while the cops restrained him, a Hennepin County jury convicted Derek Chauvin of “murder” on April 20. Now, he will join Tou Thao, Thomas Lane, and J. Alexander Kueng in a fight against federal charges. 

The grand jury also indicted Chauvin on separate counts in connection with restraining a 14-year-old thug who had attacked his mother.

Leftist Regime vs. Cops

The indictment accuses Chauvin of violating Floyd’s civil rights by retraining him and causing his death. Thao and Kueng violated the drug addict’s rights by failing to stop Chauvin, the indictment says, while all four trespassed his “rights” by failing to provide first aid.

Chauvin, the indictment says, “aided and abetted by officers … willfully deprived George Floyd of the right, secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States, to be free from an unreasonable seizure, which includes the right to be free from the use of unreasonable force by a police officer. Specifically, Defendant Chauvin held his left knee across George Floyd’s neck, and his right knee on Floyd’s back and arm, as George Floyd lay on the ground, handcuffed and unresisting, and kept his knees on Floyd’s neck and body even after Floyd became unresponsive.”

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Meanwhile, Count Two says, Thao and Kueng violated the career criminal’s right to be “to be free from an unreasonable seizure” and “were aware that Defendant Chauvin was holding his knee across George Floyd’s neck as Floyd lay handcuffed and unresisting, and that Defendant Chauvin continued to hold Floyd to the ground even after Floyd became unresponsive, and the defendants willfully failed to intervene to stop Defendant Chauvin’s use of unreasonable force.”

Count Three involves Floyd’s right “not to be deprived of liberty without due process of law, which includes an arrestee’s right to be free from a police officer’s deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs.”

Specifically, the defendants saw George Floyd lying on the ground in clear need of medical care, and willfully failed to aid Floyd, thereby acting with deliberate indifference to a substantial risk of harm to Floyd. This offense resulted in bodily injury to, and the death of, George Floyd.

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Leftist Regime vs. Chauvin

The other federal indictment charges Chauvin in connection with his arrest of a “juvenile” who resisted him almost four years ago, as The New American reported last week.

The “juvenile,” 6-feet-2-inches tall and 240 pounds, had attacked his mother. Like Floyd, the “juvenile” resisted arrest. Chauvin brained the recalcitrant bruiser with his flashlight, an offense detailed in Count 1 of the two-count indictment.

Thus did Chauvin violated the “juvenile’s” right “to be free from an unreasonable seizure, which includes the right to be free from the use of unreasonable force by a police officer,” the indictment says:

Defendant Chauvin, without legal justification, held [the juvenile] by the throat and struck Juvenile 1 multiple times in the head with a flashlight. This offense included the use of a dangerous weapon-a flashlight-and resulted in bodily injury.

Count Two alleges that Chauvin similarly violated the “juvenile’s” rights with a “knee on the neck and the upper back” of the “juvenile” while he “was lying prone, handcuffed, and unresisting. This offense resulted in bodily injury.”

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No Enforcing the Law

Though a biased jury unjustly convicted Chauvin of “murdering” Floyd after threats of violence if he were acquitted, the new charges do not violate the Constitution’s prohibition of double jeopardy; i.e., trying a defendant twice for the same crime. The new charges accused Chauvin of violating federal law, a different crime than that for which he was convicted.

Had the state jury acquitted Chauvin, federal agents were ready to arrest him at the courthouse on the federal charges. They weren’t about to let a Great White Defendant get away.

The trial of the other three officers begins August 23

H/T: Legal Insurrection