Dayton Shooter Was Atheist Left-winger and Misogynist Who Hated ICE, Wanted to “Kill Every Fascist”

As leftists such as former CNN host Reza Aslan blame the mass shooting in El Paso on President Trump and his supporters, they’ve overlooked, somehow, the truth about the mass shooter in Dayton, Ohio.

Connor Betts, who murdered nine and wounded 27 in 30 seconds, before police killed him, was an atheist who tweeted about Satan, backed the terrorist Antifa outfit, hated police and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, was involved in a pornogrind band, and was obsessed with violence.

The body-armored murderer was a hard-core leftist, which raises the obvious question, following the media’s usual narrative, that no one will ask: Did the violent language of Aslan and other leftists inspire Betts?

Tweets: Hail Satan, Attack ICE
CNN, Breitbart, and reported Betts’s leftist musings in detail.

According to the anti-Trump cable network, the young man’s Twitter feed was a cesspool of crazy rants:

A Twitter account that appears to belong to Dayton mass shooter Connor Betts retweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts, as well as tweets supporting Antifa, or anti-fascist, protesters.

The most recent tweet on the @iamthespookster account was on August 3, the day of the shooting, when he retweeted a post saying, “Millenials have a message for the Joe Biden generation: hurry up and die.”

The user’s Twitter bio reads: “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / I’m going to hell and I’m not coming back.” One tweet used the hashtag #HailSatan.

Betts also “retweeted messages supporting Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, as well as posts against ICE agents,” CNN reported, “including one that said, ‘these people are monsters,’ and multiple posts condemning police, and supporting Antifa protesters, who often use violent tactics.”

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Breitbart reported that Betts also advocated doxxing ICE employees and vandalzing the agency’s vehicles: “Cut the fences down. Slice ICE tires. Throw bolt cutters over the fences.” He also retweeted this advice: “When you see an ICE van, cut the valve stem. Materially disrupt their operations.”

Reported, “one tweet on his page read, “Off to Midnight Mass. At least the songs are good. #athiestsonchristmas.”

He also included the hashtags “#selfie4satan #HailSatan @SatanTweeting” on a selfie, and the day GOP Senator John McCain died, he tweeted, “F**k John McCain.” Oddly, “he also liked tweets referencing the El Paso mass shooting in the hours before Dayton.”

As well, reported, he wrote “Vote blue for gods sake” on November 2, 2019, and in December tweeted this: “This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but that to kill.” Then came this one: “’Tis! The pistol is a Beretta 93R, called the REK7 in BO4. Do love me some guns!”

And responding to a report in Buzzfeed last August about Virginia’s declaring a state of emergency on the anniversary of the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, reported, Betts offered this advice: “Kill every fascist.”

A friend of Betts’s also confirmed that Betts was an anti-gun leftist. He was “definitely not a right-leaning person,” Will El-Fakir told the Dayton Daily News. “His political views definitely leaned to the left. And believe it or not, he was actually pro-gun control. He was actually anti-2nd Amendment.” And, the friend said, “he never once spit out a conservative opinion on gun control.”

Pornogrind reported something just as disturbing: Betts was a violent misogynist.

“Betts was deeply involved in the misogynistic, male-dominated ‘goregrind’ or ‘pornogrind’ extreme metal music scene,” Vice reported. “It has a regional following in the Midwest and is known for sexually violent, death-obsessed lyrics and dehumanizing imagery depicting women.”

Over the past year, the 24-year-old shooter occasionally performed live vocals in the band Menstrual Munchies, which released albums titled “6 Ways of Female Butchery” and “Preeteen Daughter Pu$$y Slaughter,” with cover art showing the rape and massacre of female bodies. He also performed with a group called Putrid Liquid.

To their credit, CNN, the Associated Press, and other media are now reporting the truth about Betts, although some leftists have claimed he was a “white supremacist.”

Tweeted race hustler Shaun King, “Authorities are now reporting that the Dayton shooting also appears to have been a race-based hate-crime against African Americans from another white supremacist terrorist. Eight of the 10 people shot and killed in Dayton were Black.”

Except that Betts was what King and his ideological mates called an “antifascist.”

But again, the question no one has asked is whether the violent extremist rheotric from Hollywood celebrities, politicians such as Maxine Waters, and others such as Aslan, who tweeted that Trump supporters must be “eradicated,” are responsible for Betts’s crimes.

Photo: AP Images