California to Transfer Men to Women’s Prisons; Prisons Stock Up on Condoms, Abortion Pills
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Female inmates in the California prison system literally cry for help as they are becoming prey for “transgender women” (i.e., men who identify as women). Correctional facilities are reportedly preparing for an uptick in rapes and pregnancies following a policy change that allows males who identify as females to be transferred to women-only prisons.  

After the state began implementing a new law allowing male prisoners who identify as female to be transferred to women’s prisons, officials at the Central California Women’s Facility began providing “new resources” for women, including condoms and abortion pills, says Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), a left-wing feminist organization.

The organization states:

Women incarcerated in California’s largest women’s prison are describing the conditions as “a nightmare’s worst nightmare” after the introduction of new pregnancy resources in the Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) medical clinics. The new resources are a tacit admission by officials that women should expect to be raped when housed in prison with men, where all sex is considered non-consensual by default within the system.

Following the passage of S.B. 132, a bill signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom into law last year and going into effect in January, 255 requests were filed from male prisoners seeking to transfer to the women’s prison. Many of the those inmates are sex offenders, WoLF claims, citing the study from the Center for Evidence-Based Corrections.

California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Deputy Press Secretary Terry Thornton explained that “a person’s gender identity is self-reported and CDCR will evaluate any request submitted by an incarcerated person for gender-based housing.” Thus far, around 20 requests have been processed and not one has been denied. 

WoLF says that one reason for the backlog in transferring men who have requested transfer is the prison is making the men take a course in how to deal with their “fears about living with women”; in April, CDCR implemented a new mandatory 16-hour class as a prerequisite for any inmates wishing to transfer.

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But there are some serious doubts the course will have much effect, since the prison facilities are increasing security measures in preparation for potentially hundreds of new dangerous and violent men living alongside female inmates. For instance, it is reported that CCWF is cutting down trees in the prison yard, since they are now viewed as a security risk.

The CCWF medical clinics started to advertise a variety of options for “pregnant people” who might become pregnant while in prison. The methods available to female inmates to prevent pregnancies are condoms, and the emergency contraception Plan B. If a woman decides to keep a baby, she would be provided with prenatal vitamins, low bunk housing accommodations, ability to apply for community-based programs, newborn care, etc.

The CDCR claimed the “possibility of pregnancy was considered in the development” of S.B. 132 and that it had procedures in place related to pregnancy, including the fact that sexual acts are already prohibited in prison and are subject to disciplinary action. Yet, the preparations for the worst are underway. Amber Jackson, who is incarcerated at CCWF, wrote at Santa Monica Observer that currently, three condoms per person are allowed in the women’s prison. While California men’s prisons have been following this practice, the female prisoners have never had any need for condoms — until now.

Jackson also revealed that multiple “trans women” who have already transferred to the prison did not undergo what is known as “gender-reassignment surgery,” i.e., they still have penises. Moreover, they were HIV positive, and were abusing and having sex with many of the female inmates. This, according to Jackson, led to the prison’s new condom policy, which was implemented too late, and some of the abused women may already be infected.

In a subsequent article for the Observer dated July 22, Jackson wrote that the women at the prison are “now prey for men,” and that the situation is “so detrimental to women it’s hard to fully capture with words.”

“Call yourself a ‘woman’ all you want,” Jackson said. “But when you have man, with a penis, that works as it was designed to do, that’s a problem in a women’s prison group shower room. That’s a problem.”

One inmate woman made a plea for help during a recent CCWF event, WoLF reports.

“How do we feel safe in our community? When we reach out for help we get nothing,” the woman said. “There has been an assault on a woman and we still are silenced.”

“Does anyone care that we are being forced to house with 6’2, 250+ lbs men with penises that are here for brutally raping women?” she continued, “We have been warned by the officials in this prison, more are coming with worse charges. Where is the safety concern for us? If we say we are in fear, we are the ones locked up.”

Another female inmate told WoLF, “You might as well declare the prison is co-ed and ship us off to Pelican Bay [State Prison; considered of of the most dangerous in the nation]!”