Black Male Prostitute: Democrat Donor Ed Buck Nearly Killed Me

A black male prostitute says Ed Buck, the big-hitting Democratic donor always there when a black man dies in his apartment, paid for drug-fueled sex that almost ended in the prostitute’s death.

Jermaine Gagnon, 28, told DailyMailTV that Buck nearly killed him with injections of crystal methamphetamine.

The revelation comes just days after a second black man, identified as 55-year-old Timothy Dean, died in Buck’s apartment in Los Angeles. The first, Gemmell Moore, 26, died a little more than 18 months ago.

Sex Pad
Gagnon alleged that Buck, 64, trolls homosexual dating sites looking for men he can pay for sex and inject with drugs.

“Gagnon told DailyMailTV that he was homeless and couch-surfing in LA in April 2018 when he met Buck on the gay dating site, Adam4Adam,” DailyMailTV reported. Buck offered $200 for an evening at his apartment.

“I had done sex for money other times but I don’t make it a habit,” Gagnon said.

Then he described Buck’s surreal sex pad:

“When I walked in, it was dim lights, a mattress in the middle of the floor, three mirrors surrounding the mattress and a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall.”

Gagnon said the mirrors were about seven-foot high and appeared to be suspended on ropes so that they tilted forward over the bed.

“It was just kind of weird,” he told DailyMailTV.

“Anywhere you look in this room, you’ll see yourself in the mirror. What mostly caught my attention was the windows, they were covered in fabric. You couldn’t see out of them and nobody can see in.

“He had this red and black toolbox with all types of fetish toys. … He also has needles inside this drawer.”

Gagnon took photos of the “toys” and of himself in Buck’s apartment. He also took photos of Buck.

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Drug Binge
But that wasn’t the worst of it. Buck, he claims, nearly killed him.

After their first “date,” which last about five hours, Gagnon moved to Dallas to be with his dying brother. But Buck bought a plane ticket so Gagnon could “visit.”

When Gagnon got to Buck’s apartment, Buck injected him with crystal meth. It was Gagnon’s first time “pointing,” as injecting the drug is called.

Buck “only smoked” Gagnon told DailyMailTV. “He would make a needle to inject himself but he would inject me first. I never saw him inject himself in front of me. These are his drugs, his needles.”

The drug “hit me, my body went to tingling, my mouth went to jittery,” Gagnon told DailyMailTV. “I got so high that I was enraged, I cussed him out and made a big scene at his apartment and he pretty much put me out.”

About four months later, Buck asked to pay for another night. But by that time, Gagnon had heard about Gemmel Moore, the first black man to die in Buck’s apartment. A drug overdose killed Moore. Prosecutors didn’t charge Buck.

“He was nonchalant,” when Gagnon asked him about Moore. “He wouldn’t answer anything.”

Gagnon went back because he was desperate for money. Buck gave him spiked Gatorade. Gagnon felt “woozy” and “the sensation of death,” he told DailyMailTV. “I felt death walked into my soul.”

But Buck didn’t think he was incapacitated enough and injected him with crystal meth.

“I really thought I was the next person that was going be dead at Ed Buck’s house,” Gagnon told DailyMailTV.

Second Victim and Moore
Given that two black men have died in Buck’s apartment, Gagnon averred that the big-time Democrat donor — who’s tight as a tick with top Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and former California Governor Jerry Brown — belongs in jail.

“He needs to be put away for the rest of his life,” Gagnon told DaliyMailTV. “These boys are not just dying of an overdose, it’s not a coincidence another person has died in the same home during the same situation.”

“This man is a murderer and he’s getting away with it,” Gagnon alleged, “and it’s all because the media wants to sweep it under the rug because he’s this rich, white man.”

Gagnon said he’s lucky to have escaped the kinky Clinton supporter’s sex romps. “If my body was a little bit weaker, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t be telling you the story. I would have died at Ed Buck’s house that night.”

Photo: AP Images