Another Rich Kid Involved in Terror: Suspect Is Daughter of Chinese Pharma Tycoon

A terror suspect arrested during a police sweep of leftists at a police training center in Atlanta, Georgia, is the daughter of a Chinese pharmaceutical magnate and his wife, a consultant for the British Foreign Office.

Atlanta cops collared 31-year-old Teresa Yue Shen — who also worked for hate-Trump CNN — on January 18, as they swept the forested land where “Cop City” will be built.

Leftist “forest defenders” had staged protests for some time, and last week during the clearing operation, a state trooper was forced to shoot and kill one of the radicals in self-defense.

Cops also found a cache of terror tools. 

Rich and Famous

Shen is a “mental health consultant” who lives in Brooklyn, New York, the Daily Mail reported, whose “parents are high-flying businesspeople, with her father running a New Jersey-based Chinese media company and her mother a former British Foreign Office consultant.”

Shen was one of seven “protesters” cops arrested after the shooting of a “non-binary” crackpot called Manuel Esteban Paez Teran.

The George Bureau of Investigation reported that Shen and the following “protesters,” none of whom are from Atlanta or even Georgia, face domestic terrorism and other felony charges:

  • Geoffrey Parsons, 20, Maryland;
  • Spencer Bernard Liberto, 29, Pennsylvania;
  • Matthew Ernest Macar, 30, Pennsylvania;
  • Timothy Murphy, age, 25, Maine;
  • Christopher Reynolds, 31, Ohio; and,
  • Sarah Wasilewski, 35, Pennsylvania

Shen “was charged with domestic terrorism and aggravated assault of an officer, and was previously arrested during an anti-ICE demonstration at the Bergen County Jail in 2021,” the Mail reported.

But here’s the skinny on her parents:

Her father, James Shen, 58, is the president of publisher WiCON — which owns Pharma China — and brags about its links to the “most multinational pharma companies” across China.

He claims to come from a “family with generations of ties with the pharmaceutical industry in China” and described himself as a “strategist, advisor and publisher” specializing in China Healthcare.

Shen herself appears to have followed in her father’s footsteps initially, interning at both Reuters and CNN — with the latter refusing to report [on] the clashes after the “conflict of interest” was revealed.

She grew up in the three-bedroom $810k family home in Princetown, New Jersey, before moving to a one bed $500k Brooklyn apartment.

Her mother Xiao-Hua Shen was one of the first group of university scholarship students sent by the Chinese Government to study in the UK at Exeter University.

The 63-year-old is available to speak at events, and calls herself a “Global Diversity Expert” who has an “in-depth knowledge” of how to do “successful business in China.”

She also worked as a trainer and consultant in London, for Lloyds of London and the British Foreign Office.

Her website claims while at the foreign government she taught diplomats about the Chinese language and culture — to prepare for negotiation with China.

Why these two are in the United States the Mail did not explain. China, it would seem, could use a “global diversity expert” and prescription-drug bazillionaire at home.

Shooting Justified

Meanwhile GBI has explained that Teran did indeed on January 18 shoot the state cop, who returned fire.

Though the “protesters” falsely claim the trooper was hit with “friendly fire” from fellow officers, and that the trooper “murdered” Teran, the ballistics report on the bullet that hit the trooper says otherwise.

Teran’s weapon was a “Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm,” GBI reported:

Forensic ballistic analysis has confirmed that the projectile recovered from the trooper’s wound matches Teran’s handgun.

As well, GBI reported, cops recovered “mortar style fireworks, multiple edged weapons, pellet rifles, gas masks, and a blow torch.”

Another Rich Kid

The shooting led to more protests on Saturday — and more domestic terrorism charges for six other Antifa-linked goons.

Not one of them was from Atlanta, and, like Shen, one was a pampered rich kid.

Francis Carroll, who already faced domestic terror charges in connection with his role in a December attack, the Mail disclosed, “is the son of surgeon Dr. Mike Carroll and grew up in a $2million five-bedroom and four-bathroom mansion in Kennebunkport — as well as enjoying time on his parents’ yacht.”

That town in Maine is famous as the playground for the Bush family.

Yet Carroll’s origins, as well as those of the other terror suspects, belie the claim that Antifa and its affiliates are an “idea” or “myth,” as Antifa deniers Joe Biden and Rep. Jerry Nadler claim.

Congresswoman’s Kid Attacks a Cop

Shen and Carroll aren’t the only two offspring of the rich, famous, and/or politically powerful to be arrested recently, by the way.

Police in Boston arrested Riley Dowell, the daughter of U.S. House Democratic Whip Katherine Clark, for assaulting an officer during a we-hate-the-cops protest.

Riley is another confused soul who calls herself “non-binary.” The police news release calls her “Jared.”

When police responded to a protest at the Parkman Bandstand Monument on Boston Common, they saw “an individual defacing the monument with spray paint,” police reported:

The tagging read “NO COP CITY” and “ACAB”. The suspect was later identified as Jared Dowell, 23, of Melrose.

During the arrest of Jared Dowell, a group of about 20 protesters began to surround officers while screaming profanities though megaphones on the public street causing traffic to come to a standstill. While interfering with the arrest of Jared Dowell, an officer was hit in the face and could be seen bleeding from the nose and mouth. 

For Clark, the arrest was another moment in the “cycle of joy and pain in parenting.”

In most families, the “cycle of joy and pain in parenting” ends before the “child” is 23. Then again, Joe Biden is still enjoying the “cycle of joy and pain in parenting” with 52-year-old Hunter.