Rescuing Our Children Alex Newman’s Speaking Tour Roars Coast to Coast

Rescuing Our Children Alex Newman’s Speaking Tour Roars Coast to Coast

The government school system has become an existential threat to faith, family, and freedom. TNA’s Alex Newman sounds the alarm and urges parents to remove their children from its grasp. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Boys in girls’ bathrooms, and vice versa; “drag queens” in demonic get-up reading storybooks to pre-schoolers and elementary-school kids; compulsory LGBTQ indoctrination; brainwashing in global-warming hysteria; programming in global citizenship; mandatory Islamic studies and prayers to Allah; hatred of America, America’s Founding Fathers, and traditional American heroes: Increasingly, this is the reality of what passes for education in the government school system across America.

Our nation’s academic decline has been on a disastrous course for decades. Parents and conservative activists have demanded reforms, so “progressive” politicians and educators have promised reform — but have instead accelerated their programs of perversion, subversion, and indoctrination. The state-run high schools regularly turn out millions of graduates who are functionally illiterate and innumerate, but who are reliably zealous crusaders for socialism. Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Omar are their heroes.  It does not take a graduate degree in soothsaying to predict that our end as a free republic is fast approaching unless this is reversed.

Author Alex Newman, contributing editor and international correspondent for The New American, has embarked on a heroic effort to tackle this existential threat to faith, family, and freedom. The multi-talented, multi-lingual Newman has started on a nationwide, coast-to-coast “Rescuing Our Children” speaking tour that will be reaching more than 40 cities (see schedule on the inside back cover) throughout the summer.

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