Sound of Freedom starring Jim Caviezel has exceeded all expectations at the box office, rivaling blockbuster summer releases such as Indiana Jones. Its box office success was achieved despite the fact that it was released independently, outside the normal Hollywood distribution channels. Audience reaction to the movie has been highly favorable, even though it is about a dark subject: the global child sex industry. Yet the movie is being trashed in establishment circles. Which begs the question: Why? To shed light on this question, Beyond the Cover host Gary Benoit interviews senior editor William F. Jasper, who wrote the article “Fastest-growing Criminal Enterprise” in the July 31, 2023 issue of The New American. Bill says that the global nightmare of child sex trafficking has become a giant industry because rich and powerful people protect, promote, aid, and abet it.

To read “Fastest-growing Criminal Enterprise” by William F. Jasper, visit https://thenewamerican.com/print/fasting-growing-criminal-enterprise/

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