Bill Hahn
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Looking back on 2023, our Analysis Behind the News program highlighted about two dozen news items this year. We exposed Big Government’s advance toward its anti-freedom agenda, both in the U.S. and internationally.

While the Deep State works to fulfill the globalist conspiracy, it’s important to remember that this can be stopped. If you’re listening to too much of the media, then it may seem like there is little hope in winning. Yet, with enough exposure and with enough understanding built by concerned patriots, the house of cards, built on the foundation of unconstitutional government, will surely fall. This is the reason we bring Analysis Behind the News to you. We offer perspective and solutions.

Today, we’ll revisit some of the most important topics of 2023, and offer some updates. Plus, we’ll look forward into 2024 with solutions to topple that house of cards. If you’re concerned about American independence and freedom, then please watch and take the recommended actions. Also, be sure to like, share, and subscribe, so we can break through Big Tech censorship and reach many others.

Some of our most important episodes for 2023 were those that exposed some of the biggest tools globalists utilize to overcome sovereignty and the rule of law, both essential barriers that protect our independence.

One of those tools is fear. Although Covid-19 doesn’t have the sting of fear it once had, fear of Covid-19 was greatly used during the first couple of years to drive a wedge between the people and their God-given rights. Global governmental bodies continue to capitalize on this. They are pushing the World Health Organization to be the central power that can declare a pandemic and to dictate protocol.

In March, we discussed their progress with the final agreement to be officially adopted sometime in May 2024. Negotiations are ongoing and are not public. If it’s written as a treaty, then the U.S. Senate has to ratify it before it becomes law (if it’s not unconstitutional). If it’s written as an agreement, then Congress will have to implement it as a legislative package. Just know it can be stopped, but it will take some effort to do so.

This appetite for power and control centralized into global government is an end goal for those in this overall conspiracy. We further lend credibility to these bodies by continuing to be members and by following their directives.

We made this point continuously throughout the year, highlighting the progress made by the United Nations and its affiliates — especially through their radical environmental initiatives to battle the non-problem of climate change, including Agenda 2030.

In 2023, we continued following the plight of Dutch farmers who are being targeted by their own government to force compliance with European Union regulations for emissions. A third of the farmers are targeted to be shut down.

We exposed how this is not unique to the Netherlands, but that it had already occurred in Sri Lanka, devastating the economy. Ireland, Canada, and even the U.S. are experiencing some form of this Agenda 2030 initiative.

As an update, the Dutch farmers are still being attacked, even though the political make-up of the country has changed in favor of farmers. Instead of forcing farmers to take buyouts, the buyouts are voluntary. So far, 750 have signed up, although it’s unclear if this will come to fruition. Their new prime minister and parliament may reverse the government’s course.

In the U.S., federal grants and subsidies are driving demand for carbon-capture pipelines. However, this demand is pitting farmers, ranchers, and other landowners against corporations. Pipeline companies began to wage legal battles to force eminent domain to take land from reluctant owners. They don’t want a potentially unsafe pipeline crossing their property. Members of The John Birch Society are using the power of grassroots organization to help inform affected citizens of the agenda behind this land grab and how they can best stop this abuse through local action. So far, state permits have been denied in North Dakota and South Dakota. Iowa is still in flux, but reapplications have been submitted in North Dakota. Unfortunately, many state Republicans have chosen to side with the federal dollars, instead of protecting the constitutional rights of constituents. But the battle goes on.

Currently, the United Nations COP28 is being held in Dubai discussing the latest in climate-change action. Proposed actions by the UN are predominantly why the attacks on farmers and landowners are occurring. The average American lifestyle can soon be radically altered given the proposed regulations from various state and federal agencies, including banning gas stoves, banning gas-powered vehicles, banning meat and dairy products, and reducing availability of electricity. If the UN had its way, travel would be severely restricted, diets would be limited, air conditioning would be eliminated, home and work would be available only in urban cities, digital IDs would be required, and depopulation would commence due to the fanatic drive to get to net zero by 2050.

While we can fight these things separately, we would prefer to implement the one solution that would take all these things out and help to restore our God-given rights and liberties. This solution is to get the United States out of the UN, and the UN out of the United States.

We also exposed efforts to disarm citizens through an Article V Constitutional Convention as organized by California Governor Gavin Newsom. He’s taken a page from the playbook of conservative organizations calling for a convention to amend the U.S. Constitution. Yet, as the 1787 Constitutional Convention demonstrated, conventions have the power to entirely rewrite the Constitution. Which elected officials would you trust to open up the Constitution? The Left has proven time and time again to be better organizers than the Right, especially for elections. What do you think the Left would do with a convention? If the Right cannot figure out elections, how safe is a convention?

Members of The John Birch Society across the country have stopped all efforts to add new states to the list of those applying to Congress for a convention. We have dozens of tools to help educate others on the dangers a convention represents — dangers that are pointed out by the Founding Fathers.

To learn more, we have assembled Article V Academy, a multi-level video series that is being rolled out over the next two months. Level 1 is now available and features Article V experts, including former constitutional attorney Joe Wolverton, who is now the Constitutional Law Scholar for The John Birch Society.

Throughout 2023, we also highlighted examples of using another Constitutional tool the Founding Fathers gave us. One that can provide immediate protection and relief from power grabs: nullification.

We reported that county officials in both Illinois and New Mexico nullified attempts to curtail the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. They demonstrated that any attempts to enforce unconstitutional measures are to be met with nullification. The Founding Fathers wrote about nullification in Federalist Papers 16, 33, and 44, as well as in the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798.

Such Constitutional solutions as nullification are not well-known, but they are highly effective and very timely. Compare that with the proposed solution of a convention. Convention-supporters have been trying to convene a convention since the 1970s. Had they utilized nullification and placed their efforts into educating the electorate, America would not be as close to the edge of disaster as it is right now.

By employing the advice of the Founders to educate the electorate, avoid entangling alliances, and obey the Constitutional limitations for the federal government, we can quickly stop the drop into globalism — globalism as cooked up by Marx, directed by the elite Insiders of the conspiracy, and enabled by the Deep State — all of which have been on full display in 2023 through the United Nations, its many affiliates and partners including the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the International Monetary Fund, NATO, and many others.

Our goal with Analysis Behind the News is to bring perspective, clarity, and constitutional solutions to often confusing and complex situations. We’ve delivered that for you in 2023 and will continue to do so in 2024.

But we need your help. For 2024, please commit to working on these solutions. To best do so, join The John Birch Society where you will be brought up to speed and where you can work side-by-side with other like-minded patriots. Start at And let us know of any topics you want to see covered in 2024 by leaving us suggestions in the comments.

I’m Bill Hahn for The John Birch Society, and until next time, learn more and take action!