Luis Miguel
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The June 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court was heralded at the time as a monumental victory for the life movement and the culmination of decades of both legislative and activist work by conservatives and Republicans. The American Right had, virtually since the issuance of the Roe ruling in 1973, determined that its enshrinement of abortion as a fundamental right not only spat in the face of basic human morality, but lacked any constitutional foundation.

In alignment with the will of the base, Republicans for years promised openly and emphatically that should they gain the presidency and control of the Senate, they would appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would overturn Roe v. Wade. Conservative talking heads parroted this position, as did candidate Donald Trump — who followed through on this promise as president, appointing the very justices responsible for Roe’s demise.

Meanwhile, in the states, Republican lawmakers worked assiduously to limit abortion in the face of Roe v. Wade. Despite what the Supreme Court had said in 1973, the GOP pushed along and enacted various degrees of abortion restrictions at the state level leading up to 2022.

In summation, the life movement was gradually gaining momentum and the trend in the public will, as expressed in federal and local policy, was away from abortion and toward the sanctity of life.

Then Dobbs v. Jackson happened.

With Roe repealed, Democrats and the mainstream media went into a frenzy. Since then, the prevalent talking point has been that abortion is allegedly extremely popular with Americans and that sticking to a pro-life platform spells defeat for Republicans. 

Every day, the news is rife with headlines regurgitating the same narrative ad nauseam. The narrative is that the abortion issue is costing Republicans the election, and that if the GOP does not distance itself from its opposition to abortion, it will lose in November and beyond.

I previously wrote that the 1960s counterculture was arguably the greatest psyop in history in terms of how drastically the culture shifted within such a short space of time — less than a decade. The counterculture took a traditionalist, Christian-based America and within six years turned it into a society revolving around cultural Marxism and hedonism. It was a psyop, a psychological operation, that was very clearly orchestrated by left-wing globalists by means of their control over the main organs of influence — Hollywood, the press, the TV networks, radio, the universities, the publishing houses.

The current abortion situation is certainly among the greatest psyops of this century. Sadly, most elected officials fail to see that it is, in fact, a psychological operation spun by the media. Politicians are buying into it to such a degree that in a matter of months they have taken the GOP from being a pro-life party to a pro-choice one. It has virtually become taboo, in the minds of most Republican lawmakers, to so much as discuss the issue of abortion anymore.

But any person with capable powers of observation can see the notion of “abortion as a losing issue for Republicans” is a farce. Until the repeal of Roe, Republicans repeatedly won elections, including the presidency, on a staunch pro-life platform. Did all the voters who supported the party and Trump on such a platform suddenly disappear? 

Republicans who are now making 180s on abortion have obviously failed to learn, even after everything that has happened over the last several years, that media noise is just that — noise; it does not equate to the reality of the country. They are still biting the bait set by the media and allowing the left-wing information complex to set the agenda, to tell them what is true and false. They still, after all this time, believe the media and want to get on the good side of journalists and Democrats.

Sadly, many high-profile Republicans are among those who are now serving the interests of the Left by buying into the narrative. After the Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a law which bans all abortions “except those necessary to save a woman’s life,” Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake, who once supported that legislation, is now lobbying the state Legislature to get rid of it — and so is Donald Trump.

What they don’t realize is that their attempt to pander to leftist voters by ceding ground on the issue of abortion is doomed to fail. It has been proven time and again that such a strategy always flounders because the people for whom access to abortion is a galvanizing issue are the kind of people who are already brainwashed into believing that white, Christian, conservative Republicans are “evil fascists.” These are people who subscribe to a Marxist worldview and are programmed to see only Democrats as a viable electoral choice. Therefore, they will never vote Republican no matter what concessions the GOP makes on abortion or any other issue.

Trying to compromise on abortion in line with the media narrative will not lead the GOP to victory. It will not gain them more votes. It will only water down the party’s principles; once the media has gotten Republicans to completely divest themselves of their pro-life stance, they will move on to the next issue, such as the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment is, in fact, a perfect example of what Republicans should do when confronted by manufactured media outrage. Republicans have generally held firm on the issue each time the Left has used a mass shooting to justify a renewed push for gun control. And what has the result been? The viability of the gun control movement has gradually gone down, run out of stream, and dissipated — precisely because the GOP has so consistently refused to budge even in the face of all the noise. By ignoring the hysteria and sticking to their guns, Republicans have effectively killed any hope for gun control. This should be the same strategy they employ for abortion.

The strategy Republicans are employing now out of fear and vain ambition is an insult to common sense. They are, in essence, telling the conservative base: “Alright guys, Roe is gone, so now states are free to ban abortion — but don’t actually ban abortion or Democrats will get really mad and beat us in the next election.” 

In other words, the GOP is saying that we are not allowed to win, because even if we win, we lose; if we win, it will galvanize Democrats and cost us the next election. By that logic, there is no point to ever trying to win on any issue or even in any election. We might as well throw the 2024 presidential election because electing a Republican president will only galvanize Democrats and cost us the 2026 midterms!

Of course, given that the GOP has long been a party of controlled opposition, it makes sense that Republicans would have us believe that losing is the only way to win.