Paul Dragu
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The radicals are taking over.

On May 15, The New York Times published an article titled “A Fracture in Idaho’s G.O.P. as the Far Right Seeks Control.” A few paragraphs into the article is this little nugget of near-flattery for the parent company of this magazine: “One of the growing powers in the region is the John Birch Society, which dominated the far right in the 1960s and 1970s by opposing the civil rights movement and equal rights for women while embracing conspiratorial notions about communist infiltration of the federal government. The group was purged from the conservative movement decades ago but has found a renewed foothold in places like the Idaho panhandle.”

The Times piece was cited by several other publications, including in an opinion piece titled “State-level GOP radicalism becomes even more unavoidable” on an MSNBC website. The crux of that ditty, once you untangle the spin, is that Americans everywhere, not just in Idaho, are awakening to the insanity ruining their country and pushing back by electing leaders who represent their values. This is terrifying for the class that has held most of the messaging power in the country, a class removed from the average American and whose world is threatened by these “radicals.”

The Times piece is a perfect example of sneaky propaganda. Yes, the JBS did oppose the Civil Rights Act of the 60s, but not individual rights, as the Times would have the reader believe. JBS opposed the Civil Rights Act because it gave the federal government unending authority to intervene in personal lives and encroach on citizens’ property rights. Unfortunately, time has vindicated this concern. The JBS also showed that it didn’t need moral guidance from the government. It already had chapters that were integrated, and some that weren’t, including those with all-white members as well as those with all-black members, well before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed.

And, yes, the JBS opposed the misnamed Equal Rights Amendment — but not equal rights for women, as the Times suggests. JBS members warned the ERA would cause enormous damage to aspects of the societal structure that are very reliant on the realistic differences between men and women. It’s telling that the ERA never passed, yet women have all the rights and benefits of men. 

Something the Times got completely wrong is that the JBS was “purged” from the conservative movement. This has been common rhetoric coming out of mainstream outlets, but it’s also old fake news. Even in the Society’s least visible years, Birchers never stopped influencing the electorate. This is so blatantly true that even members of the leftist punditry class acknowledge it. Writing in the Huffington Post on September 11, 2011, longtime journalist Andrew Reinbach referred to the JBS as the “intellectual seed bank of the right.” Leftist professor Edward Miller wrote in his recently released book, A Conspiratorial Life, that “The ideas of the John Birch Society paved the way for the conservatism of the twentieth century, shaped events in the twenty-first century, and will continue to do so far into the future.”

Also, communists infiltrating the U.S. government is fact, not “conspiratorial notions.” A simple perusal of remotely accurate history confirms that communist informants within the government have been found and convicted. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, and Ana Montes are some of the more well-known spies. Today, it’s the Chinese Communist Party that is threatening every major institution in America, including the government. Communism obviously remains a threat.

What this really comes down to is that the JBS is the tip of the spear in the battle to preserve and restore America. For 63 years, JBS members informed Americans of a vast, convoluted, intentional plan to destroy America and individual rights, the goal of a group of powerful conspirators who aimed to create a one-world, communist-like government. The JBS has put into global circulation so much content documenting this information — books, magazines, brochures, videos, in-person presentations — that even the best efforts of today’s aspiring tech dictators couldn’t quantify it.

Starting in 2020, the JBS’s warnings became so obvious that millions of people began waking up. A chorus of nearly all the most powerful nations put their law-abiding citizens under house arrest, permanently shuttered businesses, barred church doors shut, and coerced law-abiding people to choose between freedom or having a foreign and mysteriously harmful object jammed into their bodies. They did this under the guise of protection from a disease with a mortality rate of less than one percent, a disease that they suppressed already-proven remedies for — a disease created in its circulating form by the government.

Then the government pressured the most powerful communication companies in the world to silence and smear those who pointed out the insanity of their policies and fallacies of the Covid propaganda they were spreading.

Oh, there was also that whole collaborative effort between the government, powerful corporations, and leftist nonprofits working to rig and steal the 2020 election.

And that was just the beginning. The sane citizens of the world, having prevailed against some of that tyranny, are also pushing back against state-sanctioned racism, state-sanctioned insane sex ideologies, state-sanctioned inflation, a state-sanctioned migrant invasion, and state-sanctioned brainwashing camps posing as education centers.

With the conspiracies proving true, people are waking up and becoming radicals. One famous example is Dr. Robert Malone, a creator of the mRNA vaccine and someone who’s worked with the government.

In a recent interview with The New American, Dr. Malone discussed the moments when colleagues first began telling him about the World Economic Forum’s plan to create a technocratic global government system. “At the time, that all sounded like a big conspiracy theory,” he told the reporter. But then he began to look into their claims. And confronted with reality, he had no choice but to be intellectually honest. “But all of these things were true. They weren’t conspiracy theories. They were aware of information that I wasn’t,” Malone said.

Dr. Malone is not a crank. There’s nothing radical about him. He’s a scientist — a highly credentialed and prestigious one. He has a family and he lives on a farm. He concluded the conspiracy was true by observing reality and the words and writings of those admitting out loud that they’re working to create a one-world, technocratic government.  

But you don’t have to be a scientist to know what’s going on. Millions of people are waking up to what’s happening. And they’re pushing back. Americans are working for election-integrity laws. They’re working to abolish state-sanctioned racism. They’re having to push for the creation of laws that observe the clear differences between male and female. They’re implementing laws that disempower power-hungry health department lackeys who believe liberty is conditional. They’re pulling their children out of public schools. They’re pressuring their legislators for border-security measures. They’re bolstering their right to bear arms, in case a Democrat-sanctioned riot breaks out in their town and the police are too defunded to stop it.

Americans are working hard to keep America sovereign and her citizens free. They are responding the way normal, sane citizens whose liberties are endangered typically would. That’s not radical.

If you possess the radical view — as did the Founding Fathers — that liberty has zero exceptions and that America is a great country that should remain a sovereign republican haven for its citizens, then you might just be crazy enough to join The John Birch Society. We’ve been spreading radical ideas of freedom and personal responsibility since 1958. And we’ve been feverishly working to inform Americans about the threats to our liberty and prosperity for just as long. You can learn more about us here. Then you can apply for membership. In the meantime, stay radical, patriots!