Misconceptions of Article V Conventions

The radical Left would love to get its hands onto crafting the Constitution. It may get its chance if a call for a constitutional convention isn’t killed in Congress. Your help is needed now!

Last week we reported on a late-breaking development in Congress of a call to hold a Constitutional Convention. Unfortunately, the resolution is just as The John Birch Society has predicted over the years and holds ample opportunity to rewrite the entire Constitution.

Our main points were that the call is for a general convention that is not limited to a specific topic. Yet, the call is based upon an accumulation or aggregate of state applications for a convention that are focused on one topic mixed with those that call for a general convention, some back as far as the late 1700s.

Another point made is that amongst these calls, even those that have been rescinded are included. How does that work? Is this what they consider playing by the rules? Just make up the rules as you go and thumb your nose at the will of those that supported a limited convention?

And where this could lead to was exemplified in an opinion article that came out this week from Governing, which states it “is a trusted source of record for elected, appointed and other public leaders looking to manage the present and anticipate the future of state and local government.”

This “trusted source” is advocating for a new Constitution by 2026, the 250th anniversary of the United States. The article headline asked the question, “Is It Time for a New Constitutional Convention?” Specifically, it wants to see 250 delegates take on major issues it sees in the Constitution, such as the Second Amendment — suggesting that the Constitution should “set some limits on the firepower any single individual can accumulate.”

In a time of major political upheaval in the country, we don’t think it’s wise to open up the Constitution for a rewrite. All the pet projects that Biden and his leftist supporters haven’t been able to get through a deadlocked Congress, could certainly find their way into an amendment or a new Constitution.

Those that have introduced this call either don’t know of the fire they are playing with, or they support opening up the Constitution to the radical Left.

So, we’re asking you to let them know your thoughts of their efforts. Use our legislative alert to generate pressure that this not see the light of day. Then contact your state legislature and tell them of this dangerous method and that a better idea is to use nullification to help rein in the federal government.

Then read and distribute our issue of The New American magazine that examines the dangers of such a convention. Ask others to contact Congress and their state legislature. Watch our video from last week and then get involved!

We’ve exposed this method of madness for decades and have managed to stop a call. With your help we will prevail and then take the fight to rein in the federal government to each state house, where it belongs.

Calling a convention entirely misses the point. If the Constitution is ignored now, why wouldn’t it be in the future? Plus, the root of the problem is the federal government ignoring its Constitutional limitations. A convention could easily codify what is now unconstitutional.

We do not have Washington, Madison, Hamilton, and Jay who would be delegates to such a convention. Regrettably, we have too many Marxists in politics today. Do you trust anyone from your state to be a delegate to such a convention? Or, states like New York, Illinois, or California?

The convention is not the right tool at this time. It has the power to destroy the Bill of Rights. After all, President Biden, when addressing the Bill of Rights and gun rights said that no amendment is sacred. Destroying the Bill of Rights may not be the intent of supporters, but it certainly could be an outcome. The Constitution already limits the federal government. Work with us to help safeguard the Constitution and to have the states rein in the fed through nullification.

I’m Bill Hahn for The John Birch Society and until next time, stay informed, stay active, and build local organization, patriots!