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Just how many illegal, unconstitutional and criminal proposals will Barack Obama inflict on us before his lame-duck presidency is over? Since he’s already vowed not to let Congress stand in his way — and we know he doesn’t care about any of the restraints the Founding Fathers put in the U.S. Constitution — it could be a lot.

And his latest proposal to transform this country is a doozy. In a speech in Cleveland last week, he said that the United States should make voting mandatory. Think of it: If Obama has his way, it will be illegal not to vote in future elections.

If you think we have a bunch of low-information voters going to the polls now, just wait until everyone 18 years old or older is required to cast a ballot. We already know that most people who do vote have no idea who their congressman is. They can’t tell you the names of their two senators. And, of course, they don’t have a clue about the other names and issues they’re asked to decide.

About all they can do is recognize the difference between “Democrat” or “Republican” on a ballot. So most of them cheerfully cast their vote for the former. Barack Obama knows all too well that the less informed someone is, the more likely he is to vote for his fellow Democrats. As someone once observed, if you promise to take money from Peter and give it to Paul, you can always count on the vote of Paul.

And, yes, there are a lot of Pauls in this country. In fact, the latest statistics say there are almost as many people receiving a check from the federal government as there are paying taxes to support the system. Even though the top 10 percent are already paying almost 90 percent of the taxes our spendthrift government collects, it’s no wonder Obama and his allies want them to pay even more. It’s all about “income inequality,” don’t you know.

Of course, Obama wants to get as many of the recipients of federal largesse to the polls as possible. So why not make it a legal requirement that they vote?

The good news is there is absolutely no chance this will happen. No matter how much he may wish it were otherwise, Obama can’t simply proclaim it. There is no way he can mandate such a change, just because he has a phone and a pen. And while the so-called Republican leadership in Congress may be squishy-soft and all too eager to compromise (see their futile attempts to block Obama’s illegal amnesty as just one example of how hapless they are), we can be pretty confident they would never go along with this absurd suggestion.

Plus, there’s a little matter of the Constitution that would stand in the way. And there is no way on Earth Obama could ever get enough states to approve a constitutional amendment to make such a change, no matter how much the demagogues on the left would like to see it happen.

So we’re safe from this one, folks. But don’t let down your guard. You can be certain that Obama will come up more schemes to “transform” this country into a socialist utopia. And he’s got two more years to work on it.


Until next time, keep some powder dry.

Chip Wood was the first news editor of The Review of the News and also wrote for American Opinion, our two predecessor publications. He is now the geopolitical editor of Personal Liberty Digest. This article first appeared on and has been reprinted with permission.