Luis Miguel
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Defeat and civilizational destruction are not inevitable. To believe so is to buy in to a narrative that is carefully cultivated by the Left. Patriots must reject such rhetoric at all costs.

It is crucial that all citizens, especially those who are laboring on the side of liberty and biblical morality, realize that the entire American populace is the perpetual target of psychological warfare by the Deep State — which is abetted by its control of most of the major organs of influence in our society, from the media to the schools to the top corporations.

As a result of these psychological operations, arguably most of what the average citizen nowadays believes is falsity furthering the Deep State’s ends. This includes not only beliefs about current political events, but beliefs about history and even the nature of the world.

One falsehood the Deep State has been all-too successful in implanting in the mind of the public is the notion of the “progress” of humanity, which they conveniently define as being in alignment with their specific political goals. In the establishment’s playbook, which goes along with the Left’s, everything from collectivism to sexual deviancy to abortion and multiculturalism is considered “progress,” while Christianity, biblical morality, the nuclear family, and constitutional republicanism are the backwards beliefs of yesteryear that must be progressed from.

Under this narrative, the end goal of the secular, collective, Marxist utopia on earth is inevitable. The progress of history from the “evils” of patriarchy and Christendom to the liberating, enlightened future of the socialists is one clear line of improvement that cannot be turned back, for seemingly divine forces of nature (even though the Left ostensibly rejects God) are guiding history along to one determined destiny.

First of all, it’s ironic that the supposedly secular Left apparently is able to see the future with all the vision of a prophet. For unless they can see the future, how do they “know” that their preferred ideology is the inevitable course of history?

This is further evidence that Marxist ideology, despite its claims to secularism, is, in fact, an anti-Christian pseudoreligion. Rather than aiming for the salvation of the soul through Jesus Christ, it seeks to create a socialist heaven on earth through adherence to the tenets of leftist — feminism, queerism, social justice.

Of course, the answer is that they don’t know, but by repeating that lie often enough, their hope is to make the “inevitability” a reality. For the Left fully understands that it is by constant repetition that an idea seeps into the subconscious of an individual and thereby begins to influence his entire belief system and decision-making.

Unfortunately, the political Right has often unwittingly played into the Left’s agenda — for example, by adopting its weaponized language. The conservative-progressive dynamic is designed to benefit the Left, for our minds are instinctively geared to see “progress” as something good. “Conservative,” meanwhile, is more of a neutral word — one can conserve something good or something evil. The end result is that “conservatives” come off as being reactionaries who just want to stop society from moving forward in its progress to something better, due to a mixture of ignorance, bigotry and stubbornness. As can be seen, employing the terminology of “progressive” and “conservative” will always hand the rhetorical victory to the Left.

Moreover, “conservative” is a relatively weak term. Whereas “progressive” evokes courage, discovery, exploration, achievement — things that are about mounting an offense — conservative, by contrast is defensive. It places the Right in a reactionary, defensive position instead of a proactive one.

All of this is why, as I have argued previously, the Right should avoid the conservative-progressive dichotomy and refer to itself by more specific terms such as constitutionalist, Christian, nationalist, etc.

By making it seem that LGBT and other social evils are “inevitable” and unstoppable, the Deep State and its agents neutralize opposition to their agenda. Why would people bother fighting back, or even fight back at all, if they’re convinced this is the way the world is supposed to be and there’s no going back to the “repressive” traditionalist ideologies of the past?

But even a surface-level knowledge of history disproves their narrative. After all, contrary to the simplistic version of history the Left spoon-feeds the masses, there have been several times throughout history in several places where there have been alternation between Christianity and traditionalism on the one hand, and secularism or paganism with their accompanying deviance on the other. Societies change back and forth all the time — it is not one straight, “progressive” line.

And recent events back this up, including the recently passed law in Uganda enacting the death penalty for those guilty of “aggravated homosexuality,” which is defined as acts that include sexual relations with children and the spreading of HIV to others.

The reason the Left has come out so vehemently against this law (as have, surprisingly, some “conservatives” such as Sen. Ted Cruz) is that it shatters the leftist narrative described above: It shows that history is not moving in an inevitable direction toward a socialist, gay utopia, but that a society can, in fact, revert to one centered on Christian principles.