Brexit Turmoil

More than three years ago, England’s voters were asked in a referendum to decide if their country should remain in or leave the European Union. By a 51.5-percent majority, voters expressed their willingness to “go it alone” and kiss the EU goodbye. Their preference amounted to a huge blow for the EU and for those whose ultimate but hidden goal includes having the EU grow into a long sought after “new world order” and world government.

Champions of “Remain” have done all they could to negate the will of Britain’s voters. To date, they have succeeded in repeatedly postponing the country’s departure from the pact. And the referendum victorious champions of “Brexit” continue to demand formalization of the will of the voters, meaning a real exit.

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Three-plus years have passed, and some British political leaders are still trying to figure out how to leave while others are seeking ways to overturn the referendum’s results and remain tied to the 28-nation EU. Former Prime Minister Theresa May tried to negate the will of the voters and ended up having to resign her post. New Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has always talked as if he were a solid supporter of Brexit, has turned out to be untrustworthy by offering a supposed route for the country to leave that has been deemed a sellout.

Johnson even promised to complete the departure by October 31st. It didn’t happen. What did occur saw Johnson expose his heretofore hidden preference for effectively staying in the EU with his 11th hour proposal that satisfied no one. Brexit supporters used the word betrayal when commenting on Johnson’s departure proposal.

The ongoing political war in Britain has elevated the stature of Brexit champion Nigel Farage. He has even launched a breakaway political party known simply as the Brexit Party. His new venture will field candidates for every parliament seat in the nation’s upcoming general election in December. He denies any plan to offer himself as a candidate for prime minister. British political pundits immediately insisted that the Brexit Party would grease the skids for the far left Labour Party to gain control of Parliament by taking votes away from the supposedly right-wing Conservatives. The Conservatives, however, are England’s Deep State promoters of the new world order.

The new Brexit Party proved its clout in the May 2019 elections for European parliament seats. Results saw its candidates win 32 percent of the vote, far ahead of Labour with 14 percent and the Conservatives with 9 percent. Splinter party candidates garnered the remaining votes.

England now has another political movement called the European Research Group (ERG) that claims to solidly support a real Brexit. But ERG leaders seem more interested in personal aggrandizement than working hard to get their nation disentangled from the EU. Nigel Farage, however, is a well known, much-trusted, and much-loved leader of those who want Britain to protect its independence by really leaving the EU. There happens to be a growing awareness among the British people that membership in the EU is merely a step toward a world government, something that would be far more difficult to leave if it ever becomes real.

What is really unfolding in England is an opportunity to deal a real setback for progress toward a world government. The EU has always been a deceitful step toward that goal. If Britain really exits after years of membership, the promoters of the “New World Order” will have been dealt a serious blow. So the rest of Europe is watching what happens in England very intensely. And so are Americans who are becoming aware of the grip on this nation by similar “Deep State” forces.


John F. McManus is president emeritus of The John Birch Society.