Dennis Behreandt
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago was nothing less than a total evisceration of the rule of law, a completely unacceptable outrage and one that, as many commentators have noted, signals the fall of the great Republic of the United States to a level equal to or lower than that of a Third World banana republic. It was an entirely unacceptable display of the fact that we have a two-tiered justice system. There was some doubt about that before, but in the wake of the raid that doubt is gone. No one who is not a “made man” (human? entity? What’s the “correct” wokeism here?) can expect to be treated justly by the (in)justice system as it now exists at the federal level and in any blue state or locality. 

These are unpleasant realities, and both their disgusting nature as departures from historic American practice and their very real existence — this is no “conspiracy theory” — have driven many to suggest that acts of desperation in response may be necessary. Suggestions of this sort have included the fanciful and dangerous idea now showing up in comment sections that normal Americans will have to resort to arms against the federal and woke hegemony. That’s nuts. Other less-nutty ideas are starting to get around also. These include various sorts of secession suggestions and, even worse, the idea that it is time for an Article V Constitutional Convention to “rein in” the out-of-control federal Deep State.

Don’t fall for any of it. Every one of these ideas is a trap that will lead to the final destruction of the American Republic and — most importantly — to the essential liberties of the people it was designed to protect.

Let’s start with the obvious crackpottery — armed insurrection. Anyone calling for this is an idiot or worse. They will argue that we are in the same place now as the Colonists were when Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence. But that is not true. The key difference is that the Founders of the Republic, during the Revolution, were fighting against a despotic monarchy and did not have an internally coherent legal tradition and framework that could be used to protect them. They were not protected by the rule of law — instead, they were subject to the whims of the dictator. Whatever the monarch and Parliament wanted to do to them was law. They had no representation that could further their interests or protect them from depredations. There was no Bill of Rights limiting the power of Parliament. This was the basis for the rallying cry “no taxation without representation!” They had no other recourse than arms.

Today we do not have this problem. We have problems aplenty, but we do not have this one. We have representation at the local level, at the state level, and in the U.S. Congress. We can still exercise decisive influence at each level and thereby see to it that the program of tyranny longed for by the internationalist uniparty of evil is thwarted. Moreover, though it is constantly attacked, we still have the Bill of Rights. Armed insurrection is not appropriate and should be opposed by all good Americans. Anyone calling for armed insurrection is a traitor to the Republic and the American people — as are, by the way, all of those from the side of darkness attempting to goad desperate and frustrated Americans into radical action. 

Americans: Do not give into the dark side. Say, instead, “Begone, Satan,” and move on to constructive action.

The next dangerous idea that the internationalist uniparty of chaos would like to see acted upon is the attempted or actual secession of some states or regions. Currently, Florida and Texas are the two great anchors of traditional Americanism in this country. By virtue of their large economies and populations, these two states are enormously important in the role they play as counterweights against the communism of the coastal cities. You can bet that the communists would love to see Texas leave the Union. Better yet if they could get rid of Florida and maybe some of the recalcitrant western states too. If that were to happen, the communists of the Deep State would be popping champagne up and down the east and west coasts, for there would no longer be any individual states strong enough to oppose them. They could consolidate their unitary power over whatever remained of America and then pick off the temporarily independent states at their leisure using, for example, the color revolution strategy that was so effective in turning Ukraine into a NATO colony.

Even if it didn’t come all the way to actualized secession, the mere attempt at such at a state level would play into the hands of the uniparty of international chaos by allowing for the easy demonization and marginalization (and, perhaps, prosecution) of those Americans who worked for it. The fact is, at the state level there is no adequate counter to the existing Deep State-aligned propaganda network, and this would be necessary to prevent the demonization of any pro-secessionist Americans. 

Any way you cut it, attempts at secession will be counterproductive to the project of securing liberty. Once again, this is Satan tempting Jesus in the desert with visions of worldly success and power. The correct response is again, as Jesus said: “Begone, Satan.” 

Finally, there is the pernicious idea of a new convention of the states. This is the most realistic threat posed by so-called conservatives because it is both backed by lavish funding and benefits from support from many hoodwinked people. This group, many of them of good character, have been beguiled by the idea that the FedGov is hopelessly corrupted and must therefore be boxed in by new rules developed in a new Constitutional Convention. 

This is another romantic, pie-in-the-sky notion. The truth is, a new Constitutional Convention would be used not to restore freedom, but to destroy it once and for all. 

The New American has a new special report on this subject that goes into full detail about the dangers. But simply think about it this way: Would the Deep State really let Americans call a Constitutional Convention then not try to use it to their own ends? Of course they would use it to subvert the nation! If you believe otherwise, you live in a fantasy world. They would drool all over themselves at the prospect of a convention because they could, in a single blow, destroy the only charter of government anywhere in the world that, in no uncertain terms, restricts the power of government. 

Those shilling for a convention will suggest all manner of soothing notions meant to convince that there is no danger inherent in a convention. In this they give snake-oil salesmen a bad name in comparison. They are an intellectual gang attempting to lure unsuspecting and loyal Americans into a trap where they can seduce them into betraying their own best interests.

Biblically, who does this describe and what is the correct response?

You guessed it: “Begone, Satan!”

We live in uniquely perilous times, but we have uniquely powerful American institutions — chiefly our Constitution and Bill of Rights. This is the one and only bulwark anywhere in the world against total global tyranny — forever. To achieve its goals, the internationalist uniparty of chaos wants and needs to upend and destroy the Constitution. Don’t fall into the many traps they set for good, humble, and overly trusting Americans.

Conservatives, Americans, all friends of liberty: Do not be seduced into actions that will lead to the destruction of our Republic!