America, the Globalist Grift
Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons
Michelle Malkin
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

I hate to snuff out any post-Independence Day fervor that you still might be enjoying. Oh, well. “Wet Blanket” is my middle name. All the annual Old Glory-waving rituals and public displays of patriotic affection can’t change this bitter fact:

Our once-sovereign nation has become nothing more than a morbidly obese cash cow for what the Biden administration now openly calls the “liberal world order.”

Higher gas prices are just the tip of the sacrifice iceberg. It’s our posterity paying the globalist pipers. In the new “liberal world order” (which is really just the same old Bush family “New World Order” of more than three decades ago), homegrown children’s needs are subjugated to the hopes and dreams of the children of the rest of the world.

Stick with me and follow an open-borders bouncing ball that demonstrates how multinational elites exploit America Last — with the brazen complicity of our own U.S. government, nonprofits and corporations. As always, we must follow the money to find the truth. Let’s dig deeper behind this headline:

“Former American Hebrew Academy will house unaccompanied immigrant children.”

According to WFMY-TV news in Greensboro, North Carolina, a failed international school venture called the American Hebrew Academy entered into a lucrative five-year lease agreement this week with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement. The plan will turn AHA’s sprawling campus into a tax-subsidized shelter for illegal alien youth. The “unaccompanied children” will be shipped from Mexico starting this month and will be treated to a comprehensive array of benefits exclusively showered on the offspring of southern border violators.

I exposed the HHS/ORR kiddie catch-and-release racket in my 2019 book, Open Borders Inc. Thanks to a liberal Bill Clinton-appointed judge in Southern California and convoluted class-action litigation dating back to 1997 on behalf of illegals spearheaded by the American Civil Liberties Union, the feds created new rights and standards for illegal alien minor shelter care. Clinton immigration bureaucrats agreed to provide food, clothing, personal grooming items, medical and dental care, family planning, “at least one hour a day of large muscle activity,” “structured leisure time activities,” psychotherapy and lawyers. Lots of lawyers.

HHS now operates a network of 100 state-licensed shelters in 17 states and has provided care to a whopping total of over 340,000 illegal alien children. (For perspective: That’s a population roughly equivalent to the city of Anaheim, California, or Aurora, Colorado.) In 2017, the budget was $1.4 billion. In 2022, the Biden administration has requested an astronomical $3.2 billion in funding for the program.

Fun fact: The Biden administration rerouted $2 billion in COVID-19 funds for Americans to the illegal alien youth housing boondoggle.

Those tax funds will subsidize a panoply of for-profit and nonprofit ventures serving foreigners’ children on American soil, which in turn provides bottomless inducements for countless hundreds of thousands of other families around the world to fork over coyote fees to send even more unaccompanied minors across our borders, who then move into the HHS/ORR facilities, which are served by nearly 50 other organizations at a cost of over $34,000 per child, according to the Capital Research Center.

So while you’re worrying about formula, diaper and food shortages for your own kiddos, rest assured: Open Borders, Inc. is hard at work spending your money on everyone else’s babies, toddlers and teens.

Let us peer further into the defunct “American Hebrew Academy,” which is now reinventing itself as part of the Biden leasing scheme as the “Greensboro Piedmont Academy Influx Care Facility for UC (unaccompanied minors)” and the “Greensboro Global Academy.” The AHA was in a “financial death spiral” for years after its profligate founder and aviation reinsurance mogul, Maurice Sabbah, threw $100 million down a black hole pursuing his dream of building a world-renowned boarding school in 2001 that he envisioned as “an international destination in elite Jewish education,” according to The Forward.

But that year, an arbitration panel ruled that Sabbah’s aviation reinsurance business had committed fraud and “willful and deliberate misconduct” by skimming off hundreds of millions of dollars for its founders, leaving Japanese insurance companies high and dry when 9/11 happened; the decision yielded a $400 million settlement. The ripped-off companies then sued and settled with AHA to recoup purloined funds. The operators of the academy tried to salvage the 100-acre campus — replete with an $18 million athletic field, 22-acre lake, 16 dorms, 34 staff resident apartments, natatorium, climbing walls and high-tech gadgetry in every classroom — by rebranding as an “international school” targeting Middle Eastern and Asian students.

The goal: bringing “globalization” to Greensboro.

The “American Hebrew Academy” turned to a “private” education company called Puxin in communist China for a $26 million loan in 2019 for help. In May 2022, the New York Stock Exchange moved to suspend trading in Puxin and delist it amid longstanding allegations of fraud. As Judicial Watch notes, “the money HHS is paying in rent will likely be used to pay back the Chinese company.”

God bless America? God help us from the globalist grifters making bank off whatever is still left of this country, if that is what you call it.

Michelle Malkin’s email address is To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at