World Health Organization
Stopping WHO’s Power Grab
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Stopping WHO’s Power Grab

If the globalists have their way, unelected officials at the World Health Organization will be able to impose vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and other “health” measures globally. ...
Alex Newman

Under the leadership of a Communist Chinese-backed “former” Marxist terror leader, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and the Biden administration are plotting an unprecedented power grab to build a planetary biomedical police state. Think Shanghai during lockdown, but worldwide. Leading experts argue that this is truly the emergence of the “New World Order” discussed by Biden and others.   

Already, the WHO claims all sorts of draconian authorities, including powers to work with UN member states in quarantining villages or nations, locking down societies, forcing medical “treatments” such as vaccines, and generally crushing medical freedom. When Ebola was spreading, for instance, the Obama administration sent thousands of U.S. troops to help the UN enforce medical martial law in the Ivory Coast.  

Under changes proposed to the WHO’s “International Health Regulations” by the Biden administration that were considered at the World Health Assembly’s 75th meeting, the dictator-friendly global “health” body would have gained the power to carry out its wishes without even the approval or consent of the targeted nation. Not surprisingly, neither the WHO nor the Biden administration planned to consult the U.S. Senate on the matter.  

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